Most all of the readers and posters here know that from time to time, this blog gets hit with bouts of "weirdness" for lack of a better word.
This will be an attempt to try to figure some of these baffling events out and no prisoners will be taken.
You are all welcome to draw your own conclusions as I am still trying to figure out the motives behind some of these events, myself.
For a small, obscure blog on the internet, we sure have managed to draw some attention and much of that attention is of dubious intent. Now you will see what has taken place behind the scenes and lets see if we can figure this out together.
We will examine different events, but there are some quotes that need to be remembered while reading the disclosures here. There seems to be one common denominator in all of these incidents and it will become obvious who that is.
I think we all remember the night that someone named NAA showed up on this blog and tried to prove he/she had webcammed with Clay, and JP stepped in. Let's examine some of the exchange that went on. Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 7:28 pm #
I'm saying Clay gave me a very different story than the one JP gave.Not Anonymous Anymore!I can assure you that my story is the absolute truth. If Clay is calling me a liar he's putting himself at risk. I think Clay knows full well what I am referring to.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 8:36 pm #
couldn't resist coming back for a second. SkipperMagee was an OLD manhunt name, one that jp gave us.SkipperMageeBLUE is the yahoo messanger name. HappyChappy2 is the NEW manhunt nameNot Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 8:37 pm #
JP is getting a little defensive, eh? hmm. Kind of worried for someone who is telling the truth.Anyways- back later!Honey, I'm not getting worried. I'm convinced that you are nothing more than a Claymate posing as someone who chatted with Clay. I have nothing to worry about. My account is accurate. After all, it's not me that's been lying for 4 years.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 8:40 pm #
I don't think John is getting defensive. But since you are both here now, NotAnonymous and John, why don't you discuss this? NotAnonymous is calling John's credibility into question and I think John has the right to address this.Percocet 01.29.07 - 8:40 pm #
NotAnonymous, I really think you should stick around now. Why don't you have a talk with John? This would be a very bad time for you to leave if you want people to think you are credible.Percocet 01.29.07 - 8:42 pm #
NAA, if you are calling John's credibility into question, he deserves the chance to discuss this with you. Don't run.Percocet 01.29.07 - 8:43 pm #
He's not going to change the HappyChappy2 screen name. He's going to use it and laugh at some of the Claymate posts he's gettting. I'm beginning to believe he's really getting a kick out of this and enjoys the adreneline rush that the risk brings out.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 8:54 pm #
yes but what you post over there on your blog John shows the real "inner" you.Anonymous 01.29.07 - 8:53 pm # We are not going to discuss politics here. What John posts on John's own blog is his business and he has every right to state his opinions there.Percocet 01.29.07 - 8:54 pm #
I disagree with John politically, but I still think he's a very decent and honest man. He probably thinks all my views are wrong, but he's always been polite and cordial to me whenever I've posted on his blog or vice versa.Percocet 01.29.07 - 8:57 pm #
NAA's screen caps don't do much for me because it doesn't show what type of messenger was being used, very vague. Almost home-made looking.Percocet 01.29.07 - 8:56 pm # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Im back- They were not homemade. I live on my own. I have dead aim on my computer which saves the IMs. When I went home for the holidays, I was on a computer that did not. So i had to copy and paste the IMs into emails and send them to myself. I talked to him about 6 times with Dead Aim, and I have a ton of emails. I knew that you would all be skeptical. You have a right to be. I'm skeptical of anything posted here until I verify it myself.Not Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 9:29 pm #
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can you post an IM conversation and I will tell you if it was Clay's who was IMing you.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 9:36 pm #
Ok--Im posting. Again-this is what Clay told me. If its true or not...who knows. I dont believe HIM oR JP. Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 9:38 pm #
I appreciate you posting that conversation. Of course I hope that you know that Clay is lying to you.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 9:43 pm #
He says he has the email....Not Anonymous Anymore! Yeah right. Tell him to produce it. Don't hold your breathe.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 9:45 pm #
I would love to see the picture.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 9:48 pm #
I actually somewhat believe this person.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 9:49 pm #
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 9:50 pm #
If Clay is spreading crap like that and calling me a liar, then this year has just gotten a lot more difficult for him.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 9:51 pm #
No I believe this person, because that is Clay's writing style and this is something I was told by another person he told this to as well.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 9:53 pm #
Clay told someone else the same story he told me about him not wanting to meet you??He actually told his friends that story at first and finally over the Summer and Fall admitted that he lied and I was telling the truth. Ask "kiss or no Kiss' and others like Nick.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 9:58 pm #
I didn't need the webcam to believe NAA- I just needed that screencap IM to know it was him.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:03 pm #
Dram-Can you do me a favor and email me those IM convo's.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:06 pm #
I am livid and pissed off at him. To not only lie about me, but to say that John D. cheated on him. Well, I can assure you that John D. did NOT cheat on Clay. Clay was whoring around and got caught with Mario Cruz and that's why John D. ended it.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:07 pm #
John! Do you still feel sorry for Clay??Of course I do. I feel sorry that he's willing to crap on people that are willing to stick their necks out for him and he's too stupid and arrogant to appreciate those that go out of their way for him.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:09 pm #
This better not bite me in the ass....JP....Not Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 10:08 pm
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No, I'm going to bring those convo's right to the other party and ask him about them.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:10 pm #
Perez has a new pic of Gayken from last night's whoring.stb 01.29.07 - 10:13 pm #
WOW THAT WAS FAST!!!John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:16 pm #
Okay, I'm confused. I thought this was from 12-21? Perez says you sent this to him.Nexium 01.29.07 - 10:16 pm #
That pic on Perez is the one NAA just posted here. Perez is claiming it is from last night.Kiki 01.29.07 - 10:16 pm #
Perez has a new pic of Gayken from last night's whoring.stb 01.29.07 - 10:13 pm #Where?Percocet 01.29.07 - 10:16 pm #
How the hell did Perez get it?Crystal 01.29.07 - 10:16 pm #
ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING MENot Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 10:17 pm #
SOMEONE IN HERE IS A FUCKIN RAT. GOOD BYE.Not Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 10:18 pm #
Uh-oh, discrepancy.NAA says pic is from last year.Perez says it's from Jan. 28.Someone trying to get Perez in deep doo doo?GJAC 01.29.07 - 10:18 pm #
Good for Perez.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:22 pm #
You know what? I'm beginning to believe one thing Clay said - about having only two hookups - or something like that. If he looks like that in his webcam shots, who would want him?Annie- He's been with two- TWO HUNDRED!!! And that's not exaggerating.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:35 pm #
SOMEONE IN HERE IS A FUCKIN RAT. GOOD BYE.Not Anonymous Anymore! 01.29.07 - 10:18 pm # Someone HERE is a rat??? We were all shocked it turned up on Perez! Team Clay reads here, Clay has read here, probably Perez or someone who works for him reads here! That would not surprise me in the least! This blog is called RABID CLAYMATES DISCUSSED. It comes up on google searches as such. Who made Perez's life hell?? CLAYMATES! I'm sure this blog has been of interest to him and he grabbed the photo!Percocet 01.29.07 - 10:43 pm #
What do I think? I am too livid to think. I can't believe he would lie like that and say those things especially... well, I'm just not going to go there. I'm going to be rational and mature about this and still be respectful of his privacy. I'll leave it at that. If he wants to act that way and be that way then fine. I'm just going to be the bigger person.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:46 pm #
I would love to know what the Claymates are saying now. To be a fly on the wall of those private chat rooms.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:49 pm #
HappyChappy2 is back online.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 10:58 pm #
Well, I never met Waldo, thank God, but it sure as hell looks like the happy trail from the Rolling Stone cover.I met Waldo. He's a real pain in the A$$. That's him. I remember we were face to face when I gave him CPR for 30 minutes.John Paulus 01.29.07 - 11:28 pm #
The night this all happened, as it was going on, I received these e-mails from John Paulus . All words of JP are in red. Mine are in Blue.
Re: Hi John
1/29/2007 5:25:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Internet Address Card Attached
Re: Hi John
1/29/2007 5:25:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Internet Address Card Attached
Believe it or not, but the idiot was trolling the internet again last night and tried to pick up a guy that I know from Manhunt. A guy that I went out on a date with over the Summer if you recall. Clay is just out of control. I know that he told some of his friends that he can't believe that people would believe anything that Perez wrote. His friends are more convinced that he's a habitual liar.As far as my chat went... well, he chatted very little with me especially when I called him on some of his comments (lies).Best,John
com wrote:
How did your chat with Clay go? Did you find anything out about how this is going to get handled?
I know the Claymates are attacking you again. I know you are a strong man, but hang in there, anyway!
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And this one:
Re: John
1/29/2007 8:25:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
They don't know Clay and they can say whatever they wish..
com wrote:
Someone claiming to know Clay is on the 411 blog basically calling your story bullshit.
Thought you might like to know.
And this one:
Re: John
1/29/2007 8:42:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Internet Address Card Attached
They are full of crap. If they only knew that I communicate with the 'All Is Well' manipulator. ROTFLMAO.
com wrote:
I believe that this person is full of shit. That's why I wanted you to be able to call them on it, if you felt like it.
Hope your day is good!
And this one:
Re: John
1/29/2007 9:04:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
No, I am glad that you told me. My first instict was to think it was Clay who posted those remarks. I know I get slammed for being nice to him on your blog, but there is a reason. While I do believe what I write, I defend him in order to build his trust in me so that he will tell me more. It is true that he is lonely and really is looking for someone special. He has told me this. That is why I think that poster was him..
com wrote:
I hope I didn't bother you by alerting you to what was going on with the blog. I know you are distancing yourself from this shit as much as you can. When I saw whoever that dipshit is calling your credibility into question, by first instinct was to alert you. I hope I didn't introduce aggravation into your day.
You have always been kind to me, honest with me and I think you are a very decent and good man.
I didn't like seeing you be bashed.
If you don't want me to bother you with blog bullshit like that anymore, just let me know.
Hang in there!
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And this one:
Re: John
1/29/2007 9:17:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
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Sent from the Internet (Details)
I am telling you that he is a pathelogical liar. And he is very miserable to be around. The only reason why he has friends "butt kissers" is because he's famous and they want something from him. He's an addict and he won't stop trolling for sex.I love that he still has he manhunt account and despite his screenname being revealed he's not changing it. It's like a giant FU to the fans. They are just too dumb to see it..
com wrote:
I totally understand your reasons, John. He's not going to talk to you if he considers you hostile to him. I've had a feeling that's what's been happening. I know you have a good head on your shoulders and are very comfortable being exactly who you are. You are also smart. You're going to keep him talking.
Given his downright FOUL personality, I really don't think he's going to find someone special who will put up with him unless he makes some changes. When someone is lonely, there is often a reason. He sounds like a miserable person to be around.
I'm glad you two never developed a romantic relationship. He doesn't deserve a man of your sensitivity and he would hurt you time and time again.
And this one:
Re: John
1/29/2007 10:07:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Can you send me those IM conversation and any other that might be sent. I can't always read your blog. Please keep me informed. I am pissed off..
com wrote:
I CAN''T believe that ugly little fuck is LYING about you. What a scumbag!
So you do think NAA is legit? I've been very hard on him because I felt he was bashing you and lying. Now it looks like Clay was lying to HIM. (NAA)
I can't believe the nerve of Clay. What a rotten person.
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And this one:
Re: The convos.
1/29/2007 10:13:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
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Sent from the Internet (Details)
Don't say anything, but I just contacted Perez with the new webcam photos and he has it up on his blog. Clay wants to play hardball, well it's on!!! I have lots of connections.
.com wrote:
I am attaching the pictures I saved of the convo's NAA posted. And the web-cam shot.
And this one:
Re: The convos.
1/29/2007 10:36:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
I think NAA was a Claymate. As soon as I said that I wanted those IM's he/she IMed me immediately. Saying please don't send them to Clay and then when he/she saw that Perez posted the webcam photo's she went ballistic on me. I think it was one of Clay's "friends" with Clay trying to manipulate again.
.com wrote:
GOOD! I'm GLAD you sent his ugly ass picture to Perez! I won't say a word to anyone. Little Mr. Unicef makes me SICK! If NAA comes back, I'll save anything they post and send it to you.
I'm sorry that your kindness to Clay was rewarded with a kick in the ass. You don't deserve that, John. He can't be trusted. EVER.
And this one:
Re: The convos.
1/29/2007 10:56:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
I agree. He's back on Manhunt again right now. He.just.doesn'!!!
.com wrote:
In a message dated 1/29/2007 10:36:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I think NAA was a Claymate. As soon as I said that I wanted those IM's he/she IMed me immediately. Saying please don't send them to Clay and then when he/she saw that Perez posted the webcam photo's she went ballistic on me. I think it was one of Clay's "friends" with Clay trying to manipulate again.
What idiots! He SOOO pisses me off with his fraudulent ways and his blatant manipulation of EVERYONE. Humanitarian MY ASS! He doesn't do ANYTHING that won't somehow benefit himself. Clay is getting to the point where he'll talk to ANYONE and it's gonna come back to bite him every time! He should shut up and get help!
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And this one:
Re: The convos.
1/29/2007 11:09:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
I believe that is the case.
.com wrote:
In a message dated 1/29/2007 10:56:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I agree. He's back on Manhunt again right now. He.just.doesn'!!!
I think he's reaching a point where he's not going to be able to pick up ANYONE considering how notorious he has become. His own worst enemy. And too stupid to try to change. What happened to his boyfriend? Did he dump Clay because Clay was cheating?
As you can plainly read, John Paulus was the one who made sure that manhunt picture of Clay Aiken got to Perez Hilton. This is the same John Paulus who has said repeatedly that he has moved on. This is the same John Paulus who was here recently admonishing us all about how we should give Clay Aiken a chance. Did John Paulus give Clay a chance the night he fired off that unconfirmed picture to Perez Hilton?
Here is some of what John Paulus had to say to us all at this blog recently. And I will add that he has sent me some veiled threats in e-mails that there are "spy's here at this blog and that he knows more about me than I think he does. I want everyone to be aware that he made those veiled threats and allow everyone to see how quickly he will turn on a person.
These are some examples of what John Paulus had to say to the people at this blog recently:
John, I believe you to be a decent man at heart, but wouldn't you agree that your revelations of Clay's alleged therapy sessions and alleged abuse constituted a huge breach of trust?Not at all. You just don't like me revealing that information and are pissed about it, because it might bring him a little bit of sympathy and some understanding and we know that runs counter to what you want. So don't play that, "how could you to this to him" card, because it to fly with me.I shared it, because I would hate to see him go to therapy 3 times a week and then come here and see that know matter what his therapist tells him and how hard he tries you and other rip him to shreds. I don't want to see him give up. Understand now!!!John Paulus 02.18.07 - 1:35 pm #
This is MY assessment on the Faiken. He's really f*ed up and just a few sessions of therapy will not be able to undo YEARS of a messed up mind.So he, his family, and friends should just give up on him and the idea of any treatment? Heck why don't you just pull out a gun and hand it to him, Zyban. I mean what else does he have to live for, right?John Paulus 02.18.07 - 1:31 pm #
Yep. I have the transcripts for the days that John was railing on here. You can go back and read them in the archives, but I've also got them saved. The guy who went on the rampage defending Clay and attacking people at the blog for "not being fair" to Clay is the same guy who only 2 weeks earlier said THESE things in e-mails:
I know I get slammed for being nice to him on your blog, but there is a reason. While I do believe what I write, I defend him in order to build his trust in me so that he will tell me more.
Don't say anything, but I just contacted Perez with the new webcam photos and he has it up on his blog. Clay wants to play hardball, well it's on!!! I have lots of connections.
So, to the Claymates who are now fans of John, believing he has turned over a new leaf, this might make you think again.
For anyone reading this blog who might have been made to feel badly by the things John had to say, I hope you don't feel badly any longer. John is in no position to be laying guilt trips on people.
As far as some of the other weirdness that has gone on, John has always been involved behind the scenes as well. Moved on? Hardly.
Here are the last couple of e-mails JP sent to me after he had his "episode" here last weekend. Just want to put them out there. My words are in blue, John Paulus's words are in red.
>From: John Paulus
>>MANY? You mean the 4 or 5 like minded people on your blog? I'm really not >concerned since one of my "fans" is an administrator on your blog... or >should I say spy. And I have ABSOLUTE confidence that you will NEVER guess >who it is. I know a lot more about you than you may venture to guess. You >know rule # 1 don't trust anyone. Take care. ROTFLMAO.>>
T S wrote: Funny thing, John. Not just me, MANY >think you lost your mind that night.>Go back and re-read and see if you think it was a minor thing.>>Bye.>>> ">> wrote: Funny thing, John. Not just me, MANY >think you lost your mind that night.>Go back and re-read and see if you think it was a minor thing.>>Bye.>>>
From: John Paulus> >To: T S>> >Subject: Re: No Subject> >Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 17:52:17 -0800 (PST)> >> >Your animosity toward me. You are taking a very minor thing and blowing >it> >out of proportion. Women!!! I'm so gald I'm gay.> >> >
T S> wrote: WHAT keeps getting worse?> >> >> > >
From: John Paulus> > >To: T S> >> > >Subject: Re: No Subject> > >Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 17:33:34 -0800 (PST)> > >> > >It keeps getting worse.> > >> > >
T S> > wrote: You still have no explanation for what> > >you did on the blog. The girl who> > >told me about your lunch with Clay gave me her phone number. Why would> > >someone making up a story do that. Her IP matched her area code. >John,> > >don't screw around. You know what you did. Own it. You betrayed me.> > >> > >> > > >
From: John Paulus> > > >To: T S> > >> > > >Subject: Re: No Subject> > > >Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 17:19:22 -0800 (PST)> > > >> > > >Name calling? Does it get you angry that someone would brand you a> > > >Claymate or former Claymate? I guess you can imagine how I must have> > >felt.> > > > It's hurtful.> > > >> > > >I can NOT stress enough that you are can believe whatever you choose >to> > > >believe, but I never told ANYONE that I was going to lunch with Clay> > > >EVER!!!> > > >> > >
>T S> > > wrote: I never have been and never will be a> > > >Claymate, nice try at the name-calling> > > >though. Your friend DID confirm in e-mail that you were the source >for> > >her> > > >story and then said she was scared to death because she had to deal> >with> > > >your "wrath" and was angry with ME because YOU forwarded her the mail> > >from> > > >me.> > > >> > > >Don't pretend you are confused about what you did on my blog. You >were> > > >there to try to do harm and you should be a man about it and own up >to> > >it.> > > >There is no way you can say that statement is untrue.> > > >> > > >I don't know what the hell happened to you and why you'd act the way> >you> > > >did> > > >to someone who had always shown you respect. Now you are calling me >a> > > >liar. Well, go for it, bud. There were plenty of people there who> >read> > >it> > > >as it went down and you did yourself no favors.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > >
From: John Paulus> > > > >To: T S> > > >> > > > >Subject: Re: No Subject> > > > >Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 16:05:38 -0800 (PST)> > > > >> > > > >I have to tell you, but I am a little confused. No one has >incurred> >my> > > > >wrath and I never confirmed any story, because THERE WAS NO STORY >TO> > > > >CONFIRM. I did NOT alter your email, but simply forwarded asking> > > >politely> > > > >for a response to it.> > > > >> > > > >As far as being a part of some deceptive scheme orchastrated, again> >you> > > >are> > > > >barking up the wrong tree. It would appear that both you and I are> > >being> > > > >played. Now you can continue to attack and accuse me of things that> >are> > > > >simply not true- that is your perogative. It won't be the first >time> > > >that> > > > >a Claymate or former Claymate has done that.> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >
T S> > > > wrote: I am still trying to fathom what the> > > > >hell you tried to do on my blog last> > > > >weekend. I am still very angry about it. You came there with an> > >agenda> > > >to> > > > >seek to disrupt and divide, and you behaved like a man out of his> >mind.> > > > >Ordering me around? Daring me to ban you? Trying to force people >to> > > >take> > > > >sides and then talking shit about ME on YOUR blog after what YOU >did> >on> > > > >mine?> > > > >> > > > >I also think you had a hand in the deception that was attempted> >earlier> > > > >this> > > > >week with the kicknotes and false rumor floating. The person who >was> > > > >e-mailing me confirming your story, I believe on your behalf, told >me> > > >that> > > > >YOU were the source and then was very frightened because she told >me> > >that> > > > >you had forwarded MY email to YOU to HER and she was beside herself> > >that> > > > >she> > > > >had incurred your wrath. Why should this person be so frightened >of> > >you?> > > > >She said she had also lost a good friend. Why do you do this >shit?> > > > >> > > > >Did you alter the "e-mail from me" that you forwarded to her? I put> > > >nothing> > > > >past you anymore. Don't use me in the games that you play. I used >to> > > >trust> > > > >you and I always kept your confidence til you destroyed my trust >with> > > >that> > > > >stunt you pulled last weekend.> > > > >> > > > >By the way...the numbers have been no different since you've been> > >banned.> > > > >> > > > >WHAT were you THINKING? For a person who "claims" to have moved >on,> > >you> > > > >certainly are involved in anything you can be regarding Clay Aiken.> > > > >
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
John Paulus, Clay Aiken and the Weirdness on This Blog
Posted by
9:53 PM