Claymates, below is a post by one of your own, 'Yeathat'. She has simply lost it. Not only does she think she knows how Clay feels, she knows all about gay people. Enjoy her rant;
"I said it before and I'll say it again. The OC upstarts, not to be confused with those who are just curious but those who are actively involved in ridiculing and demeaning Clay, are MANHATERS. It doesn't matter if the man is gay or straight. They hate all men because they fear them. Some of them have been abused, molested, abandoned and/or bullied growing up and they've become that which they've hated most. They have become the bullies. They are social misfits who were never accepted into the mainstream and have found a place where they feel they belong. They equate abuse with love because it's all they know. How many of them were slapped around or otherwise molested growing up and told it was for their own good?
99.9% of the gay population doesn't walk around acting like everyday is a gay pride parade. They denounce people who try to force someone out of the closet, because it's a very personal thing and can be very traumatizing. How many of the OC think that Clay's business is their business, and try to deny him his right to privacy and to self-identify? He's already self-identified a handful of times. He's trying to tell you to stay out of his business. For the two of you who put a letter in his pocket at a M&G telling him you'll still be his fans when he comes out, let me tell you how livid he was at that. You know who you are. He didn't appreciate it at all. Not because there's anything wrong with being gay. He's supportive of his friends and associates who are, but he's said time and again he isn't. He resents the insinuation that he's a liar. Walking around choking on your feather boas and inhaling your fairy dust while screaming "he's SO GAY," is not only disrespectful to him, it makes a mockery of gay rights in general. You're nothing more than attention seekers. Doesn't matter how you get the attention, just as long as you do. Same with a certain desperate famewhore wannabe. Kelly the screamer was proud she got Clay's attention at a concert. It doesn't dawn on her that the image she presents is of one who has a few screws loose and is a spoiled brat. What she did is akin to what a toddler in the terrible twos would do - have a temper tantrum in public. That's what she did and she isn't savvy enough to realize that she came off very negatively to all around her, including Clay.
There is a very low self esteem factor at work here. In order for them to feel "worthy" of a guy they find themselves drawn to (which in itself must be unsettling), they have to equal the playing field and drag him down to their level. By attempting to scare the fans away, they delude themselves into thinking they've got a potential superstar all to themselves, and thus they feel superior to everyone else.
"Look at me." It's all about THEM. They don't give a damn about Clay or his career; only how his star can impact theirs. In their own way, they're just as delusional and for some, just as pathological, as JP himself. He's trying to hook his own future to Clay's star, without any thought or care to the damage he is doing. He's deranged and upset that Clay won't pay attention to him and give him what he feels is his entitlement - his own celebrity and its associated perks. He risked his own job because he decided the upside was greater than the downside. He lost, and now he wants revenge. I also believe he was solicited to smear Clay's name and reputation in order to devalue him before he leaves RCA, but the job has proven much more difficult and the fans way more entrenched.
This has never been about "outing" a guy they feel stays in the closet because of his homophobic fanbase. First of all, most of the fans would accept him anyway because they love him that much. Same goes for his mom, and he's said himself that his faith is all accepting. If most of America assume's he's gay, what is stopping him from coming out? Like he told Diane Sawyer on GMA, "it wouldn't make any sense." You can't turn a straight man into a gay man and then force him to be a gay role model just because you spread rumors about him. Is he supposed to pretend just to get the monkey off his back?
For those from the OC who've been led down the primrose path thinking you're helping him out, boy, have you been had. TPTB in charge of this smear found a gullible audience in you. How many of you were in touch with JP before his story hit the NE back in January? We know of a few of you who were. Ask yourselves how certain of your ilk knew in advance what was coming. Ask your leader how she knew."
posted by John Paulus @ 11:30 PM 421 comments links to this post
At 11:38 PM, Anonymous said...
Ummmmm.. that's not "Yeathat". That's from one of your moles on a board, who took a post, and decided to use "Yeathat"'s name..
At 11:39 PM, John Paulus said...
Well, its definitely not Pussy Galore.
At 11:40 PM, Anonymous said...
Kiss, is Clay gay or not? Did he fuck John or not?
At 11:40 PM, Anonymous said...
OH MY GOD JOHN TOOK IT HOOK LINE A FUCKING SINKER AGAIN??????? 0 for 5 now John. My GOD you are stupid.
At 11:41 PM, Anonymous said...
Kiss, is Clay gay or not? Did he fuck John or not?
At 11:41 PM, Anonymous said...
Yeahthat is so homophobic. She must be a lesbian. It's ok, yeahthat.
At 11:41 PM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
'Anonymous said...
Kiss doesn't "know" Clay at all."
11:26 PM
"That's your opinion. She does. You just wish she didn't. "
OOOOO...lookie!! My b/f is here to defend my honor!
At 11:41 PM, Anonymous said...
Kristy traveled with Clay to NYC...she's in the arrival video. Oh, but no one noticed that, did they? Wouldn't want to focus on any of the WOMEN that are at his side.
At 11:42 PM, Anonymous said...
But if Clay didn't blog about his dogs (which was part of the conditions for John accepting that it was Clay and not a fake), then why should John hold up his end of the agreement? I admit that I don't know all the details of what was discussed and why John may or may not know that it was Clay, but it seems obvious that Clay did not do what he agreed to do to bring this to a close. Isn't there anything more that can be done?
At 11:42 PM, Anonymous said...
OH MY GOD JOHN TOOK IT HOOK LINE A FUCKING SINKER AGAIN??????? 0 for 5 now John. My GOD you are stupid.
11:40 PM
Who are YOU and WHAT did John take hook line and sinker? If you think Clay is straight, you are not only stupid, you are DELUSIONAL. Maybe you can get a bed next to Clay's in the psycho-ward. It's where you both belong.
At 11:43 PM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
'Anonymous said...
Kiss doesn't "know" Clay at all."
11:26 PM
"That's your opinion. She does. You just wish she didn't. "
OOOOO...lookie!! My b/f is here to defend my honor!
11:41 PM
Anytime. :)
Anonymous said...
Kiss, is Clay gay or not? Did he fuck John or not?
11:40 PM
Does it really matter if Clay did or didn't? Isn't it his life? Shouldn't he be allowed to do what he wants?
At 11:43 PM, Anonymous said...
Kiss, is Clay gay or not? Did he fuck John or not?
At 11:43 PM, Anonymous said...
John has EVERY right to keep this blog going and I hope he does. He was not given an honest apology and proof thereof.
At 11:43 PM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Kiss, is Clay gay or not? Did he fuck John or not? "
I can do the broken record thing really well. I respect Clay's privacy and will not comment on his private life.
At 11:44 PM, Anonymous said...
Kiss doesn't know Clay Aiken. Get real.
At 11:44 PM, Anonymous said...
Okay, Kiss. So I take that as yes and yes. Thanks.
At 11:45 PM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Kristy traveled with Clay to NYC...she's in the arrival video. Oh, but no one noticed that, did they? Wouldn't want to focus on any of the WOMEN that are at his side.
11:41 PM
Honey...these women have no romantic involvment with Clay. You need help.
At 11:45 PM, Anonymous said...
Does it really matter if Clay did or didn't?
Isn't it his life?
Shouldn't he be allowed to do what he wants?
At 11:45 PM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
OH MY GOD JOHN TOOK IT HOOK LINE A FUCKING SINKER AGAIN??????? 0 for 5 now John. My GOD you are stupid.
11:40 PM
Who are YOU and WHAT did John take hook line and sinker? If you think Clay is straight, you are not only stupid, you are DELUSIONAL. Maybe you can get a bed next to Clay's in the psycho-ward. It's where you both belong.
At 11:45 PM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Kristy traveled with Clay to NYC...she's in the arrival video. Oh, but no one noticed that, did they? Wouldn't want to focus on any of the WOMEN that are at his side.
11:41 PM
Honey...these women have no romantic involvment with Clay. You need help.
Prove it.
At 11:46 PM, Anonymous said...
kISS HAS just told us that Clay is gay and John fucked him. Yes siree.
At 11:46 PM, Anonymous said...
Prove it.
You prove it.
At 11:47 PM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "But if Clay didn't blog about his dogs (which was part of the conditions for John accepting that it was Clay and not a fake), then why should John hold up his end of the agreement?"
I'm still hoping to see that blog.....
At 11:47 PM, Anonymous said...
fagggggggggggggggots suck and should all be given the death penalty like in China. Not accepted to be a fucking faggot fruit loop. go to hell faggots
At 11:47 PM, Anonymous said...
Kristy is a piece of shit and so is Faye. Kristy has no place being president of BAF and Faye is so concerned with the opinions of her family, keeping up her "celebrity" status and making sure the money rolls in, that she has no concern about the breakdown her son is on his way to.
At 11:47 PM, Anonymous said...
I'm still hoping to see that blog.....
Me too. I told him so.
At 11:48 PM, Anonymous said...
Prove it.
You prove it.
I don't have to. I have Clay's word. What do you have? The word of a gay porno whore who sells his soul to a tabloid? You and John deserve each other. Rock on.
At 11:48 PM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
kISS HAS just told us that Clay is gay and John fucked him. Yes siree.
11:46 PM
She didn't say anything of that sort.
At 11:48 PM, Anonymous said...
Matt Clemens says JOHN PAULIS IS A FUCKING LIAR! I believe him.
At 11:48 PM, Anonymous said...
I can do the broken record thing really well. I respect Clay's privacy and will not comment on his private life.
Sounds like a confirmation to me.
At 11:48 PM, Anonymous said...
fagggggggggggggggots suck and should all be given the death penalty like in China. Not accepted to be a fucking faggot fruit loop. go to hell faggots
11:47 PM
There's corned beef hash in your pantry. Run along.
At 11:48 PM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous saidd: "kISS HAS just told us that Clay is gay and John fucked him. Yes siree."
Ummmm....I do not see where I said that.... but I can't stop you from thinking whatever you want to think. Hmmm - didn't Clay say that recently?
At 11:48 PM, Anonymous said...
Kristy has a son???? How old and why is she not with him??!?
At 11:49 PM, Anonymous said...
kISS HAS just told us that Clay is gay and John fucked him. Yes siree.
11:46 PM
She didn't say anything of that sort.
At 11:49 PM, Anonymous said...
Matt Clemens says JOHN PAULIS IS A FUCKING LIAR! I believe him.
11:48 PM
Matt Clemens admitted to meeting Clay but would not go into more detail. Believe THAT.
At 11:49 PM, Anonymous said...
So Kristy is chasing a celebrity around instead of being a mother. That's just sick.
At 11:50 PM, Anonymous said...
Matt Clemens admitted to meeting Clay but would not go into more detail. Believe THAT.
yOU STUPID fuck that was not matt posting that comment just like yeah that didn't post that shit tonight. Anyone can make the same fucking name idiot!
At 11:50 PM, Anonymous said...
"Kristy has a son???? How old and why is she not with him??!?"
Unless, of course, you're serious.
At 11:51 PM, Anonymous said...
Matt says John is a liar and he may sue him
At 11:51 PM, Anonymous said...
Prove it.
You prove it.
11:46 PM
YOU prove that Clay has ever had a romantic relationship with a woman. If he had, a woman would have sold her story long ago. Clay has only ever and only will be with men.
At 11:51 PM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Of course, Clay has always done exactly what he wants to do. That's why he's detested and mocked throughout the industry, the butt of jokes and the vast majority of his fans have abandoned him. He's a prick with mediocre talent who got lucky.
AMEN to that. I do not know who he has posting in here for him but if he wants to clear out his fan base, it is working. He is worse then I thought and I am no longer giving a damn that is for sure so whomever you are, you can tell Clay that you have done your job well.
At 11:52 PM, Anonymous said...
Oh, I'm serious. The one thing I will not tolerate is a woman who has a child and then forgets about him/her.
At 11:52 PM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
kISS HAS just told us that Clay is gay and John fucked him. Yes siree.
11:46 PM
She didn't say anything of that sort.
11:49 PM
Because people who know him respect his privacy and respect his wishes. That's an admirable quality in his friends.
At 11:52 PM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Matt says John is a liar and he may sue him
11:51 PM
That was NOT the last thing Matt said. Go read the Matt Undressed blog.
At 11:53 PM, John Paulus said...
Kristy is Clay's "personal assistant", but gets paid to run BAF. Instead of going to soap opera's and talk shows with Clay maybe she should work at her first priority and the one she gets paid to do. Seems to me her time could be better spent on the children the foundation was meant to assist.
At 11:53 PM, Anonymous said...
yOU STUPID fuck that was not matt posting that comment just like yeah that didn't post that shit tonight. Anyone can make the same fucking name idiot!
11:50 PM
Prove it.
Clay is gay. Accept it and allow Clay to live his life in peace.
At 11:55 PM, Anonymous said...
Kristy is Clay's "personal assistant", but gets paid to run BAF. Instead of going to soap opera's and talk shows with Clay maybe she should work at her first priority and the one she gets paid to do. Seems to me her time could be better spent on the children the foundation was meant to assist.
11:53 PM
Agree John. She was given this title, not because she gives a shit about BAF, but because she is a friend of Clays. She does nothing for that foundation. Everything about Clay is a FRAUD.
At 11:55 PM, John Paulus said...
Matt says John is a liar and he may sue him.
I think he must have retained Yeahthat's attorney. Both of them are slow with filing their court injunctions.
At 11:56 PM, Anonymous said...
Holy shit. I totally read that comment wrong. When you said "her son" I thought you meant Kristy, not Faye. Sorry, it's late. :-/
At 11:57 PM, Anonymous said...
I would think that you would agree that it doesn't matter who wrote that rant. The truth is that someone who said those things is speaking from the heart and is very angry. That person deeply believes that there is shame in being gay whether or not one goes around as if there were a gay pride parade every day. This person no doubt believes that being gay should be hidden away and kept in the background. That person may not know that true or not notes of support passed too Clay are positive, not negative. If it is true, and if Clay resents notes meant for support, then this person does not recognize Clay's their denial just as they do not recognize theirs.
Many cultural minority groups including women have carried around shame and their first reaction is to try to hide. The next reaction may be to want to shout their good feelings about themselves to the rooftops, hence the pride at coming out and puting the shame behind. Please try to understand why people want to make a big deal sometimes about who they are. It is cleansing. The next stage is balance and normalization. It is too bad that many Claymates don't understand the psychological dynamics behind these movements. They would understand many different groups a lot better.
At 11:58 PM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Holy shit. I totally read that comment wrong. When you said "her son" I thought you meant Kristy, not Faye. Sorry, it's late. :-/
11:56 PM
Don't feel bad. I read it the exact same way.
At 11:58 PM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
kiss'bf said: "Because people who know him respect his privacy and respect his wishes. That's an admirable quality in his friends."
My b/f is so nice....
At 11:58 PM, Chat or No Chat? said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "But if Clay didn't blog about his dogs (which was part of the conditions for John accepting that it was Clay and not a fake), then why should John hold up his end of the agreement?"
I'm still hoping to see that blog.....
11:47 PM
Read the NC code. There is a statute of limitations on "brokered" Yahoo chat apologies. Compliance to requests to make blog posts about dogs must be met within 14 days of the request.
This code was passed into law on November 7th in response to the overwhelming incidence of "brokered" Yahoo chat apologies and litigation arising from them.
At 11:59 PM, Anonymous said...
AMEN to that. I do not know who he has posting in here for him but if he wants to clear out his fan base, it is working. He is worse then I thought and I am no longer giving a damn that is for sure so whomever you are, you can tell Clay that you have done your job well.
11:51 PM
I have always disliked Clay, but I am extending a welcome to the sane, non-homophobic, non-racist fans who are here because this is the ONLY place they can express their doubts and concerns about Clay. I hope we can have a civilized and respectful interaction and I hope you will not cave into the pressure of those who tell you not to post here and that your thoughts/feelings are not valid or are a betrayal. Don't buy into their bullshit.
At 12:00 AM, Anonymous said...
Go worry about your own life rather than that of a complete stranger about whom you can do nothing. You are one of the co-dependents--you NEED to worry about him in order to feel validated.
What a demeaning bitch you are. With your attitude, you will surely drive fans to file a damn lawsuit against Clay for fraud, and if Clay doesn't have enough sense to stand up and defend his character then I guess nobody else should do it either. Co-Dependent? Oh..Let the games begin!
At 12:00 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I would think that you would agree that it doesn't matter who wrote that rant. The truth is that someone who said those things is speaking from the heart and is very angry. That person deeply believes that there is shame in being gay whether or not one goes around as if there were a gay pride parade every day. This person no doubt believes that being gay should be hidden away and kept in the background. That person may not know that true or not notes of support passed too Clay are positive, not negative. If it is true, and if Clay resents notes meant for support, then this person does not recognize Clay's their denial just as they do not recognize theirs.
Many cultural minority groups including women have carried around shame and their first reaction is to try to hide. The next reaction may be to want to shout their good feelings about themselves to the rooftops, hence the pride at coming out and puting the shame behind. Please try to understand why people want to make a big deal sometimes about who they are. It is cleansing. The next stage is balance and normalization. It is too bad that many Claymates don't understand the psychological dynamics behind these movements. They would understand many different groups a lot better.
11:57 PM
Wonderfully said!!
At 12:00 AM, Anonymous said...
Kristy is a piece of shit and so is Faye. Kristy has no place being president of BAF and Faye is so concerned with the opinions of her family, keeping up her "celebrity" status and making sure the money rolls in, that she has no concern about the breakdown her son is on his way to.
Faye might be alot of the reason why he has some of the problems he does. If I were her, I would never have tolerated my husband beating my son in front of a pizza place at the age of 15 yrs.
Kristi is a fame grabber, hope she enjoys the ride while it lasts.
At 12:02 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
chat or no chat said: "Read the NC code. There is a statute of limitations on "brokered" Yahoo chat apologies. Compliance to requests to make blog posts about dogs must be met within 14 days of the request."
Oh good - we have another week than. I better go tell Clay.
At 12:02 AM, Anonymous said...
Kristi divorced her husband because he couldn't stand her allegience to Clay. She was putting him above their relationship and when given the ultimatum, she chose Clay over the vows she took before God and her family. Sick bitch.
At 12:03 AM, Anonymous said...
If Clay blogged about the dogs today, it would be the ultimate eff you to yeahthat and her ilk. They, of course, would say it was nothing but a big coincidence but the rest of us would accept the acknowledgement of the truth. Clay has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
At 12:03 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Go worry about your own life rather than that of a complete stranger about whom you can do nothing. You are one of the co-dependents--you NEED to worry about him in order to feel validated.
What a demeaning bitch you are. With your attitude, you will surely drive fans to file a damn lawsuit against Clay for fraud, and if Clay doesn't have enough sense to stand up and defend his character then I guess nobody else should do it either. Co-Dependent? Oh..Let the games begin!
12:00 AM
Set up a link with your name on it so we can track your success with the "games".
At 12:05 AM, John Paulus said...
The next stage is balance and normalization. It is too bad that many Claymates don't understand the psychological dynamics behind these movements. They would understand many different groups a lot better.
Great post. I agree.
At 12:05 AM, Anonymous said...
I have always disliked Clay, but I am extending a welcome to the sane, non-homophobic, non-racist fans who are here because this is the ONLY place they can express their doubts and concerns about Clay. I hope we can have a civilized and respectful interaction and I hope you will not cave into the pressure of those who tell you not to post here and that your thoughts/feelings are not valid or are a betrayal. Don't buy into their bullshit.
11:59 PM
At 12:06 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Kristi divorced her husband because he couldn't stand her allegience to Clay. She was putting him above their relationship and when given the ultimatum, she chose Clay over the vows she took before God and her family. Sick bitch.
12:02 AM
Did Kristi's husband get custody of the child?
At 12:06 AM, TSTL VP said...
Well whoever that is -- they are seriously fucked up.
I mean, that post is so scattered, I've read it three times and have yet to truly understand what point that deluded mind was trying to make. It started out insinuating that everyone at the OC was anti-male -- then moves on to saying that they are embarrassing themselves by trying to get his attention and somewhere tried to say that 99.9% of gay people don't like to be "out." Yes, a lot of gay people have issues with being "out" - but 99.9%? Get real. It isn't 1950 anymore -- and even in 1950 there were plenty of people who refused to be embarrassed for who they were.
Whatever. I think a lot of the OC chicks are fucked up -- but not because they were "abused" or "molested" or they "hate men." On the contrary, most of them just have really low self-esteems and it's easier to latch onto a gay man and idolize/fall-in-love with him, knowing that the reason a relationship will never happen is out of their control. Much easier to accept than rejection from someone who could actually have potential. Not saying all the people over there are like that -- but I bet a lot are. Myself, I like to think I have a healthy relationship with my male friends who happen to be gay -- I don't want to fuck them, I don't secretly love them, and rather than get jealous when they want to pick up a guy at a club, I'll get the trick's number for them and give them condoms.
FYI -- any of the posts over the last few days that have been "begging" people to visit have NOT been from me. I'm not opposed to visitors/comments -- but I would never beg like that.
At 12:06 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
so is Faye.
FAYE IS NOTHING OF THAT SORT! What makes you say that? Do you have anything to back up your opinion? You don't. You've never seen her be anything but sweet to ANYONE! I don't see how people can say degrading things about someone they don't even know and about someone who doesn't deserve it.
Faye might be alot of the reason why he has some of the problems he does. If I were her, I would never have tolerated my husband beating my son in front of a pizza place at the age of 15 yrs.
There are many fathers who believe that's the way to discipline their children! Especially back in those times. Keep in mind of what Faye had been through in the past.
...And it wasn't "Beating her son." That man never beat anyone and only disciplined his sons if he had a good reason to. If people don't know the complete story, they shouldn't say anything.
At 12:08 AM, Anonymous said...
you will surely drive fans to file a damn lawsuit against Clay for fraud,
The FTC complaint was taken very seriously by RCA. It was the main reason for the image change. removing the WWJD and suppressing the sanctimonious rhetoric. Be careful of talking about a lawsuit. It still could happen.
At 12:09 AM, Anonymous said...
...And it wasn't "Beating her son." That man never beat anyone and only disciplined his sons if he had a good reason to. If people don't know the complete story, they shouldn't say anything.
12:06 AM
I'm guessing the poster drew his/her conclusions on the basis of having read that oft-mentioned memoir, "Learning to Sing". Perhaps the book did not include the complete story. Probably an editing error.
At 12:09 AM, Anonymous said...
FAYE IS NOTHING OF THAT SORT! What makes you say that? Do you have anything to back up your opinion? You don't. You've never seen her be anything but sweet to ANYONE! I don't see how people can say degrading things about someone they don't even know and about someone who doesn't deserve it.
You can fuck off right now. If Faye was more concerned with her son's well being than her "celebrity status" and the money he brings in, she would encourage him to get the help he needs and to do what is best for him and his emotional/mental issues and stop living a lie.
At 12:10 AM, Anonymous said...
There are many fathers who believe that's the way to discipline their children! Especially back in those times. Keep in mind of what Faye had been through in the past.
...And it wasn't "Beating her son." That man never beat anyone and only disciplined his sons if he had a good reason to. If people don't know the complete story, they shouldn't say anything.
12:06 AM
True enough. But it was also in the book how his stepfather put a stinkbomb in his room just so he could complain about how it stank to make him clean it up. Just to insult him, really.
He also had the whole family go out on a drive and had Clay stay home to clean the freezer, not when Clay had done anything wrong, but just .....because!
Faye did NOTHING about it. She allowed her husband to treat her son like shit.
At 12:12 AM, Anonymous said...
Faye did NOTHING about it. She allowed her husband to treat her son like shit.
Faye is a piece of shit who is only trying to cash in on her son's fame at the expense of his own mental health.
At 12:12 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
You can fuck off right now. If Faye was more concerned with her son's well being than her "celebrity status" and the money he brings in, she would encourage him to get the help he needs and to do what is best for him and his emotional/mental issues and stop living a lie.
12:09 AM
Why don't you? Faye is concerned with her son's well being! How do you know she doesn't encourage him to get the help he needs? Clay is his own person and if he decides he doesn't need any further help, that's what he'll do. He'll make his own decisions in life. He's almost 28! I think he's old enough to be allowed to be an individual!
At 12:13 AM, Anonymous said...
Faye is easily shamed and makes Clay walk a fine line or else she throws the big southern mama guilt trip on his ass. He needs to grow the hell up.
At 12:14 AM, Anonymous said...
Why don't you? Faye is concerned with her son's well being! How do you know she doesn't encourage him to get the help he needs? Clay is his own person and if he decides he doesn't need any further help, that's what he'll do. He'll make his own decisions in life. He's almost 28! I think he's old enough to be allowed to be an individual!
12:12 AM
She should tell him to come out, live his life and be happy. She is more concerned about how that revelation will affect HER than her son's well being. It would not be the first time she neglected to follow through on what would be best for her son.
At 12:14 AM, Anonymous said...
kiss's boyfriend = The Friend
At 12:14 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Faye is easily shamed and makes Clay walk a fine line or else she throws the big southern mama guilt trip on his ass. He needs to grow the hell up.
12:13 AM
That is untrue. She might throw the guilt trip, but as I said, Clay is his own person and doesn't always stand for that.
At 12:15 AM, Anonymous said...
...And it wasn't "Beating her son." That man never beat anyone and only disciplined his sons if he had a good reason to. If people don't know the complete story, they shouldn't say anything.
I think you are the one that needs to go back and read the book sweetie, he beat Clay in front of the pizza joint, too the point that a eye witness told Ray too stop and was told to shut up or he would beat him too...get the facts!!! It is wrong any way you look at it plus Ray was NOT Clay's father nor did he ever except him...according to Clay's words so if you have doubts then take it up with Clay and not those of us who purchased the book.
At 12:15 AM, Anonymous said...
The FTC complaint was taken very seriously by RCA. It was the main reason for the image change. removing the WWJD and suppressing the sanctimonious rhetoric. Be careful of talking about a lawsuit. It still could happen.
If Kiss keeps egging on the fans, don't be surprised. She is now representing herself as Clay's friend and in turn speaking for him. Does RCA know about this? Keep going Kiss.
At 12:15 AM, Anonymous said...
Then Clay and Faye need to either grow up or SHUT UP and go away.
At 12:16 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
She should tell him to come out, live his life and be happy. She is more concerned about how that revelation will affect HER than her son's well being. It would not be the first time she neglected to follow through on what would be best for her son.
12:14 AM
He shouldn't have to "come out" if he doesn't want to and if there's no need to! How do you know that Clay isn't happy?
At 12:16 AM, Anonymous said...
That is untrue. She might throw the guilt trip, but as I said, Clay is his own person and doesn't always stand for that.
Don't give me that crap. Faye could throw down the gauntlet and Clay WOULD listen. He's scared to death of that woman. It's all he talks about.
At 12:17 AM, Anonymous said...
Faye is easily shamed and makes Clay walk a fine line or else she throws the big southern mama guilt trip on his ass. He needs to grow the hell up.
AMEN to that. Why are some people so stupid geesh!! He is almost 28 yrs. old and still answers to Momma. PLEEZE!!
At 12:17 AM, Anonymous said...
He shouldn't have to "come out" if he doesn't want to and if there's no need to! How do you know that Clay isn't happy?
12:16 AM
Please. Take one look at him. He's all fucked up. And I am NOT a fan.
At 12:17 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
You guys are so funny. As if you know anything about Miss Faye and her relationship with Clay. Where do you get this stuff anyway?
At 12:17 AM, Anonymous said...
Faye sucks. She won't encourage Clay to get help because then her carefully crafted life of awesomeness and Claymate adoration might come crashing down.
And if she wanted him to get help he would. He lives to please that woman.
At 12:18 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Don't give me that crap. Faye could throw down the gauntlet and Clay WOULD listen. He's scared to death of that woman. It's all he talks about.
12:16 AM
He's not "scared to death" of her.
At 12:18 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Then Clay and Faye need to either grow up or SHUT UP and go away.
12:15 AM
Will there be a vote on this? I vote for "go away". A win-win-win.
At 12:19 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Faye sucks. She won't encourage Clay to get help because then her carefully crafted life of awesomeness and Claymate adoration might come crashing down.
And if she wanted him to get help he would. He lives to please that woman.
12:17 AM
You don't know ANYTHING about Clay. As I said, if Clay feels as if he doesn't need any additional help, he'll do what he wants.
At 12:19 AM, Anonymous said...
Re what Faye allowed:
Clay wrote in LTS about his step-sister getting a car from his step-father for graduation. The step-father announced they are all going for a ride. Clay was so excited. And the step-father said Not you, Clayton, you can't come, you have to stay home and clean the freezer. They all drove away, including Faye, and he was left standing there.
Could it be it wasn't true? I don't know. But reading it broke my heart for him. There were other horrible stories where he was mentally abuded by the man and Faye did absolutely nothing.
At 12:19 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
You guys are so funny. As if you know anything about Miss Faye and her relationship with Clay. Where do you get this stuff anyway?
12:17 AM
"Miss Faye"? Will you start posting about "Clayton" now?
At 12:20 AM, Anonymous said...
At 12:20 AM, TSTL VP said...
12:06 -- so you're saying that it was appropriate in the 1990s for grown men to beat 15 year old boys?
And here I thought there were laws against child abuse.
Clearly his mother is drawn to abusive men -- but allowing anyone to ever take a hand to your child is unforgivable, at least in my opinion. If you want to stay in a relationship where you get the shit beat out of you -- fine, whatever -- but as soon as your kids get hit and you continue to stand by -- well, if there is any justice -- there is a special place in hell for people like that.
At 12:20 AM, Anonymous said...
Clay is petrified of his mother. He may throw pissy fits, but when it all comes down to it, he does what SHE wants because she guilts him into it.
At 12:21 AM, Anonymous said...
Who died and made "Kiss's boyfriend" authority-of-all-things-Clay-and-Faye?
At 12:21 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Faye sucks. She won't encourage Clay to get help because then her carefully crafted life of awesomeness and Claymate adoration might come crashing down.
And if she wanted him to get help he would. He lives to please that woman.
12:17 AM
If Clay off's himself, it's all on Faye and the Mates.
At 12:21 AM, TSTL VP said...
Kiss's Boyfriend ^
At 12:21 AM, Anonymous said...
Is Clay Kiss' Boyfriend?
At 12:21 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
You guys are so funny. As if you know anything about Miss Faye and her relationship with Clay. Where do you get this stuff anyway?
12:17 AM
From Clay's own words. He painted a pretty clear picture in his book.
At 12:22 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Miss Faye"? Will you start posting about "Clayton" now? "
No, I know Clay as Clay - not Clayton. Its just common courtesy in the south to preface an adult female's first name with Miss, as in "Miss Faye."
At 12:22 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Is Clay Kiss' Boyfriend?
12:21 AM
Is "Kiss" Gabe?
At 12:23 AM, Anonymous said...
If Clay off's himself, it's all on Faye and the Mates.
At 12:23 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
From Clay's own words. He painted a pretty clear picture in his book.
12:21 AM
Clay did not paint a picture of a terrible woman. He painted a picture of a typical southern mother.
At 12:23 AM, Anonymous said...
It would be a mistake to rely on the accuracy of anything in Clay's book. An infamous example:
How Clay treats his friends.
An interesting incident occurred just before Clay’s book “Learning To Sing” was published. A Claymate got hold of a manuscript of the book and started leaking small bits. Immediately, a part of the book describing Diane Bubel and her family's treatment of her son Mike was flagged as an "editing" mistake. Here is the original quote from the hardback edition (Random House):
“Mike Bubel was a twelve-year-old child with autism. I worked with him every week for a year and a half. What struck me about Mike was that no one had ever attempted to introduce him to the public. He didn't speak at all. He was defined as "low functioning."
I decided I was going to take him to the grocery store and to the library. Because of what I had learned from Tina, I insisted to his mother, Diane, that he not be a shut-in. "We're not going to stay inside the house," I said.
Diane worried that he wouldn't be able to function well outside the home. I said, "Are you going to keep him in the house for the rest of his life? He needs to learn how to go out into the world."
In truth, Diane Bubel has been a long-time activist for children with special needs, and moved to North Carolina to benefit Mike’s development. She has also been an strong advocate for appropriate inclusion of such children in society. Clay was inspired by Diane and her family in this excerpt from an interview in “Exceptional Parent” magazine.
“What I learned from the Bubels was a no-excuses take on having a child with a disability,” said Aiken. “The whole family knows that there are things that Mike will not be able to do that other children can do, and there are things that he will be able to do that other children can’t do. But, that’s just a part of life. They don’t make any bones about it. It’s just, ‘He is a child, a part of our family, a part of society and that’s all you need to know about him.’ That really moved me and made me think, ‘You know what? They’re exactly right.’”
Clay was given an opportunity to address this error in an appearance on “Larry King, Live”, November 15, 2004 (the day before “LTS” was released).
Transcript of an excerpt from the interview:
“Larry King: Anything in the book you regret?
Clay: I think part of … part of writing it, part of the difficult part of writing it was try to tell what … what was true and not offend anybody … there‘s .. there’s actually a section in there that didn’t get edited out …. you know, I actually went back and tried to reword things, and there’s a section in there about the child who I worked with … and, Mike Bubel, and it says that he actually was a shh … it implies that he never left his house … and, I think that the point that I was trying to get across was that he had, I mean he had a very fulfilled childhood .. he did, you know, all of the activities that kids normally do, but he … but what I wanted to try to do with him when I worked with him was to try to take him to the grocery store, and do some things with him there, like life skills, and .. uhh … and … pay for his groceries, and picking them out and doing that type of thing, and the way that it got conveyed in the book, before they … but, didn’t get edited out … was that he had never left the house, which kinda looked bad, and so I regret things like that, but, you know, for the most part, you know, the … the rest of it, out … outside of that particular passage, the rest of it, it’s, you know, the truth ….
Larry King: Did you explain it him?
Clay: Did I explain it to …. ?
Larry King: The boy?
Clay: I di … I ex … I spoke to his Mother and tried to explain the whole situation, you know it’s complicated, because you know, now it’s in print, and that, that makes things difficult ….
Larry King: He’s autistic?
Clay: He is, he is autistic.”
Clay's apology was a non-apology, completely inadequate and garbled, and most important, a lie. So, Clay tried to edit out this section? Try again. In fact, Clay read this section on his audiobook, which shows that he lied about attempting to edit this section. As for revising this section … well, since “LTS” has only sold about 100,000 copies of an initial run that was 200-225,000 copies, the only possible opportunity for a retraction was in the paperbook copy, which was released a year later in November, 2005.
Sadly, there have been so few copies of the paperback LTS sold that the vast majority of the readers have a completely erroneous impression of Diane and her family. The damage had been done.
This incident caused a lot of fans to feel very badly for Diane Bubel. It was rumored that Diane was upset and angry at the way that she had been portrayed. I don't blame her. If Clay treats people like Diane Bubel so badly, why should he care about lying and deceiving his fans?
At 12:24 AM, John Paulus said...
Clay wrote in LTS about his step-sister getting a car from his step-father for graduation.
And who paid for Clay's condo? Please. I don't buy the crap that Clay wrote in his book. Remember your mantra, Claymates- there's two sides to every story?
At 12:24 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Miss Faye"? Will you start posting about "Clayton" now? "
No, I know Clay as Clay - not Clayton. Its just common courtesy in the south to preface an adult female's first name with Miss, as in "Miss Faye."
12:22 AM
Oh, God. Another expert on Southern ways and manners. Thanks, "Miss Kiss".
At 12:24 AM, Anonymous said...
You guys are so funny. As if you know anything about Miss Faye and her relationship with Clay. Where do you get this stuff anyway?
It is in the book. Just like you know anything about Faye & Clayton. LOL
At 12:24 AM, Anonymous said...
Clay did not paint a picture of a terrible woman. He painted a picture of a typical southern mother.
12:23 AM
She's a bitch who allowed her son to be abused and she herself abuses him now.
At 12:24 AM, Anonymous said...
If you want to stay in a relationship where you get the shit beat out of you -- fine, whatever -- but as soon as your kids get hit and you continue to stand by -- well, if there is any justice -- there is a special place in hell for people like that.
I can relate. That was my situtation. As soon as my son was touched, I was outta there so fast.
Cannot understand it, never have.
Now I'm happy I left two messages on your blog. Don't close up shop yet. You're very talented.
At 12:24 AM, Anonymous said...
kiss, you are SO full of shit. So if you know them, go ahead and prove it. Tell us something about them that we don't know...nothing TOO personal, but just a fun little tidbit that may have been common knowledge to only friends before AI.
That's what I thought.
At 12:25 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
From Clay's own words. He painted a pretty clear picture in his book.
12:21 AM
Clay did not paint a picture of a terrible woman. He painted a picture of a typical southern mother.
12:23 AM
So you are saying a typical southern woman allows the man she married to mentally abuse her son? To physically beat on her 15 year old son in public to the point that strangers are telling him to stop? To never truly accept her son as his own and always favor his own blood son first?
At 12:26 AM, Anonymous said...
And who paid for Clay's condo?
Clay had no condo. He had squat before AI. He owed $ 5,000 on a piece of crap car.
At 12:26 AM, Anonymous said...
Clay did not paint a picture of a terrible woman. He painted a picture of a typical southern mother.
12:23 AM
OKAY: Kiss, Kiss's Boyfriend and Clay--NOW HEAR THIS: your little corner of the South is not representative of the South. It is representative of your little corner. Your backward or provincial ways are not indicative of the South in general. Please stop giving the rest of us a bad "rep".
At 12:26 AM, TSTL VP said...
Thanks 12:24! Well, since John is opening a new blog -- I figure TSTL can still serve it's purpose -- I'll continue to post as long as people continue to read! :-)
And congratulations/good for you for escaping an abusive environment. So many people aren't smart enough to leave -- even when kids are involved.
At 12:26 AM, Anonymous said...
Re the FTC Complaint. I agree. Did anyone notice how Justin and some others have tried to "come clean" on their drug use before their last releases? This may have been coincidental, but I don't think so.
I sincerely believe that the FTC thing struck a big nerve at RCA and in the recording industry and believe that there is some merit to the allegations. Many other consumer industries have been hit by fraud complaints and the record industry is still stinging from Payola 2. I think they have their heads down, and well they should.
Ironically, Clay may have benefited more from that industry fear than he should have. He has been sheltered by them.
At 12:27 AM, John Paulus said...
Clay had no condo. He had squat before AI. He owed $ 5,000 on a piece of crap car.
Uh, seems to me that Clay did have a condo in Charlotte.
At 12:27 AM, Anonymous said...
LOL Is Clay Kiss' Boyfriend?
12:21 AM
Is "Kiss" Gabe?
To clarify. I meant is Clay posting as "Kiss's Boyfriend."
At 12:28 AM, Anonymous said...
So you are saying a typical southern woman allows the man she married to mentally abuse her son? To physically beat on her 15 year old son in public to the point that strangers are telling him to stop? To never truly accept her son as his own and always favor his own blood son first?
We did not say it, Clay did.
Funny all his other friends still call him Clayton.
At 12:28 AM, Anonymous said...
Dear Claymates.
Clay HATES you. He has shown his contempt for you time and time again and you don't get it. He has no respect for women. As eager as he was to push his hand onto Kelly Ripa's face, he would do the same thing to you if given the chance.
Go ahead and keep being his doormat. Let him tell you when to speak and when to make noise. Try to talk about your conflicted feelings for him at OFC. You can't. He won't allow it. He wants your mouths shut and your wallets open.
At 12:28 AM, Anonymous said...
Uh, seems to me that Clay did have a condo in Charlotte.
Uh, not owned dear, rented.
At 12:29 AM, Anonymous said...
John, have you ever seen this 'condo'? LOL!
At 12:29 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
From Clay's own words. He painted a pretty clear picture in his book.
12:21 AM
Clay did not paint a picture of a terrible woman. He painted a picture of a typical southern mother.
12:23 AM
Give me a break!! "Steel Magnolias" was just a movie. It was not the be-all end-all definition of southern women. Let me guess: you hail from some 'burb of Raleigh.
At 12:30 AM, Anonymous said...
OKAY: Kiss, Kiss's Boyfriend and Clay--NOW HEAR THIS: your little corner of the South is not representative of the South. It is representative of your little corner. Your backward or provincial ways are not indicative of the South in general. Please stop giving the rest of us a bad "rep".
Yeah, like burrying the placenta in the backyard.
At 12:30 AM, John Paulus said...
At 12:30 AM, Anonymous said...
Uh, seems to me that Clay did have a condo in Charlotte.
Uh, not owned dear, rented. With two roommates.
At 12:30 AM, Anonymous said...
To clarify. I meant is Clay posting as "Kiss's Boyfriend."
If that is the case then he hates his fans more then I thought he did.
At 12:30 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
LOL Is Clay Kiss' Boyfriend?
12:21 AM
Is "Kiss" Gabe?
To clarify. I meant is Clay posting as "Kiss's Boyfriend."
12:27 AM
I got that. If Clay is "Kiss's Boyfriend" and if Clay's boyfriend is Gabe, then "Kiss" is Gabe.
At 12:31 AM, John Paulus said...
Uh, not owned dear, rented.
What do you know!
At 12:31 AM, Anonymous said...
It's a shame how only poverty areas get hit with bad weather.
At 12:31 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
So you are saying a typical southern woman allows the man she married to mentally abuse her son? To physically beat on her 15 year old son in public to the point that strangers are telling him to stop? To never truly accept her son as his own and always favor his own blood son first?
We did not say it, Clay did.
Funny all his other friends still call him Clayton.
12:28 AM
I know what Clay said. But he said it in his book about HIS mother. Not all southern women. It was Miss Kiss' Boyfriend who said it was typical of southern mothers.
I am southern and I assure you my mother would never have allowed that type of bullshit to happen to any of us growing up.
At 12:31 AM, Anonymous said...
Clay did not paint a picture of a terrible woman. He painted a picture of a typical southern mother.
So typical southern mothers are abusive. And no one in Raleigh sees a therapist.
At 12:31 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
It's a shame how only poverty areas get hit with bad weather.
12:31 AM
Clearly, Paxil is no treatment for the dreaded foot-in-mouth disease.
At 12:32 AM, Anonymous said...
OKAY: Kiss, Kiss's Boyfriend and Clay--NOW HEAR THIS: your little corner of the South is not representative of the South. It is representative of your little corner. Your backward or provincial ways are not indicative of the South in general. Please stop giving the rest of us a bad "rep".
I SECOND THAT!! Keep it up and someone will have to turn the light out at the OFC.
At 12:32 AM, Anonymous said...
I got that. If Clay is "Kiss's Boyfriend" and if Clay's boyfriend is Gabe, then "Kiss" is Gabe.
LOL. You're right!
At 12:33 AM, Anonymous said...
Uh, seems to me that Clay did have a condo in Charlotte.
Uh, not owned dear, rented. With two roommates.
12:30 AM
Uh, does someone else want to take this, or is it my turn? Fucking don't RENT a condo you OWN it that's what a condo IS. And he was in fact the owner. This is Clay Studies 101, first semester stuff.
At 12:33 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
So you are saying a typical southern woman allows the man she married to mentally abuse her son? To physically beat on her 15 year old son in public to the point that strangers are telling him to stop? To never truly accept her son as his own and always favor his own blood son first?
We did not say it, Clay did.
Funny all his other friends still call him Clayton.
12:28 AM
People who know Clay inside and out, people who've known him before American Idol, his true, long time friends call him Clayton.
He didn't "Mentally abuse" Clay. Step fathers ALWAYS favor their blood sons before their step sons. That's nothing out of the ordinary!
At 12:33 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Tell us something about them that we don't know...nothing TOO personal, but just a fun little tidbit that may have been common knowledge to only friends before AI."
Did I say I knew Clay before AI? *looks around* Dont think so.
At 12:34 AM, Anonymous said...
It's amusing to see the Claymates regard every word written in "Learning to Sing" as the absolute truth. What a bunch of suckers. Clay really knows how to pick 'em.
At 12:34 AM, Anonymous said...
john paulus said... Kristy is Clay's "personal assistant", but gets paid to run BAF. Instead of going to soap opera's and talk shows with Clay maybe she should work at her first priority and the one she gets paid to do. Seems to me her time could be better spent on the children the foundation was meant to assist.
11:53 PM
It's so easy to set back behind a computer screen and tell everyone else how to live their life isn't it? She may very well be doing a good job - unless you are tracking all her moves 24/7 as well as Clay Aiken's. You really don't have much room to criticize the way someone else is living their lives since you don't seem to have much of a handle on your own. Anyway - I wish you well with it!!!
At 12:34 AM, Anonymous said...
Clearly, Paxil is no treatment for the dreaded foot-in-mouth disease.
I did not even like that statement. How easily he forgot what it was like to dig change out of the couch to buy gas hummmmmmmmmmmm guess I will remember that one, espically coming from a lying, fake that claims to care about his fans..........NOT!!!
At 12:35 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Uh, seems to me that Clay did have a condo in Charlotte.
Uh, not owned dear, rented. With two roommates.
12:30 AM
Uh, does someone else want to take this, or is it my turn? Fucking don't RENT a condo you OWN it that's what a condo IS. And he was in fact the owner. This is Clay Studies 101, first semester stuff.
12:33 AM
I don't know if Clay owned or rented. But it is clear that a person can RENT a condo from another person who OWNs the condo. This is "common sense 101".
At 12:35 AM, Anonymous said...
People who know Clay inside and out, people who've known him before American Idol, his true, long time friends call him Clayton.
12:33 AM
And that leaves whom, exactly?
At 12:35 AM, Anonymous said...
You CAN rent a condo that belongs to someone else.
At 12:35 AM, Anonymous said...
He didn't "Mentally abuse" Clay. Step fathers ALWAYS favor their blood sons before their step sons. That's nothing out of the ordinary!
12:33 AM
How fucking dare you!! I have a stepfather and that is NOT true. Some step parents may be that way. But it is not a "normal" thing or something that always happens.
What fucking, backwards, hick shit rock did you crawl out from under?
At 12:36 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Uh, does someone else want to take this, or is it my turn? Fucking don't RENT a condo you OWN it that's what a condo IS."
OMG, tell me you didn't really say this? YOU CAN RENT A CONDO FROM ITS OWNER. You need to get out more.
At 12:36 AM, Anonymous said...
It's so easy to set back behind a computer screen and tell everyone else how to live their life isn't it? She may very well be doing a good job - unless you are tracking all her moves 24/7 as well as Clay Aiken's. You really don't have much room to criticize the way someone else is living their lives since you don't seem to have much of a handle on your own. Anyway - I wish you well with it!!!
Just what makes you think that we are so pathetic that we do not know how to handle our own lives??? EXCUSE us for caring.
At 12:37 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Clay did not paint a picture of a terrible woman. He painted a picture of a typical southern mother.
So typical southern mothers are abusive. And no one in Raleigh sees a therapist.
12:31 AM
He never said that no one in Raleigh saw a therapist.
At 12:37 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
So you are saying a typical southern woman allows the man she married to mentally abuse her son? To physically beat on her 15 year old son in public to the point that strangers are telling him to stop? To never truly accept her son as his own and always favor his own blood son first?
We did not say it, Clay did.
Funny all his other friends still call him Clayton.
12:28 AM
People who know Clay inside and out, people who've known him before American Idol, his true, long time friends call him Clayton.
He didn't "Mentally abuse" Clay. Step fathers ALWAYS favor their blood sons before their step sons. That's nothing out of the ordinary!
12:33 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend: did you also attend Leesvilee H.S.? You and Clay clearly studied the same courses of gross generalizations. Maybe you had to go to Jr. college for that?
At 12:37 AM, Condo Queen said...
OMG. 16 years in the mortgage business. Please.
At 12:38 AM, Anonymous said...
He never said that no one in Raleigh saw a therapist.
12:37 AM
He said that people in Raleigh don't go to therapy.
At 12:38 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss - Does Clay know what you are saying to his fans and if so, does he approve?
At 12:39 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
People who know Clay inside and out, people who've known him before American Idol, his true, long time friends call him Clayton.
12:33 AM
And that leaves whom, exactly?
12:35 AM
Are you saying he no longer has long time friends?
At 12:39 AM, Anonymous said...
John, didn't you say the person who you thought was Clay knew the clothes you wore during the encounter. If it was't Clay and was someone close to Clay, how would they know that?
At 12:39 AM, John Paulus said...
It's so easy to set back behind a computer screen and tell everyone else how to live their life isn't it? She may very well be doing a good job - unless you are tracking all her moves 24/7 as well as Clay Aiken's. You really don't have much room to criticize the way someone else is living their lives since you don't seem to have much of a handle on your own. Anyway - I wish you well with it!!!
You don't see me putting a donation cup out there and asking people to fill it to help autistic children while paying myself a hefty sum of a salary while flying coast to coast rubbing elbows with people in LA and NY and forgetting about what I should be doing.
At 12:39 AM, Anonymous said...
What fucking, backwards, hick shit rock did you crawl out from under?
LOL good one and oh so true. Damn some people are such dorks aren't they.
At 12:39 AM, Anonymous said...
So, after 11 months of this bullshit it still all boils down to one thing.
Does the fact that Clay acts effeminate mean he's gay?
No proof from either side. Back to square one.
At 12:39 AM, Anonymous said...
Step fathers ALWAYS favor their blood sons before their step sons.
Uh, no they don't.
At 12:40 AM, Anonymous said...
kiss, maybe you should just shut up. You're losing credibility with each and every post you make.
At 12:41 AM, Anonymous said...
It's interesting. From the posts by kiss or no kiss and her boyfriend, I'm finding that I dislike both of them and especially kiss' parsing of words. Now, they seem to be acting like representatives of Clay, and frankly, not doing him any favors. Why don't you both quit while you're ahead and before you do more damage to Clay?
At 12:41 AM, Anonymous said...
You don't see me putting a donation cup out there and asking people to fill it to help autistic children while paying myself a hefty sum of a salary while flying coast to coast rubbing elbows with people in LA and NY and forgetting about what I should be doing.
Right On John!!! OMG are you trying to tell us something John??? I am getting it, oh yes I am.
At 12:41 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
kiss, maybe you should just shut up. You're losing credibility with each and every post you make.
12:40 AM
Kiss AND her "boyfriend"
At 12:42 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Step fathers ALWAYS favor their blood sons before their step sons.
Uh, no they don't.
12:39 AM
Well, in the situations I've seen that's been the case.
At 12:42 AM, Anonymous said...
Well, one thing has been made clear tonight: "Kiss's Boyfriend" did not assist in the mechanisms of the "brokered" chat apology. It is just not plausible that someone with such a limited world view would be able hatch such a plan. Kiss, you need to trade-up.
At 12:42 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Anonymous said...
Kiss - Does Clay know what you are saying to his fans and if so, does he approve?"
Well, what he'd really like is for this blog to go away.
At 12:42 AM, Anonymous said...
He didn't "Mentally abuse" Clay. Step fathers ALWAYS favor their blood sons before their step sons. That's nothing out of the ordinary!
How about making Clay clean up his room and then the stepfather going back three times and messing it up and yelling at Clay for not listening and cleaning up his room?Is that normal for a stepfather to do, and a mother to sit by and watch?
Remember, these were Clay's own words.
At 12:42 AM, Anonymous said...
I have always disliked Clay, but I am extending a welcome to the sane, non-homophobic, non-racist fans who are here because this is the ONLY place they can express their doubts and concerns about Clay. I hope we can have a civilized and respectful interaction and I hope you will not cave into the pressure of those who tell you not to post here and that your thoughts/feelings are not valid or are a betrayal. Don't buy into their bullshit.
At 12:42 AM, Anonymous said...
You don't see me putting a donation cup out there and asking people to fill it to help autistic children while paying myself a hefty sum of a salary while flying coast to coast rubbing elbows with people in LA and NY and forgetting about what I should be doing.
Now you are judging Kristy John?
She could put in 14 hour days for weeks to make up for the time she travels with Clay. You have NO idea. It is not fair to judge what you know nothing about.
At 12:43 AM, Anonymous said...
It's interesting. From the posts by kiss or no kiss and her boyfriend, I'm finding that I dislike both of them and especially kiss' parsing of words. Now, they seem to be acting like representatives of Clay, and frankly, not doing him any favors. Why don't you both quit while you're ahead and before you do more damage to Clay?
Good idea but unfortunately for me, the damage has already been done plus I have figured out who it is. Clay is a lier and a fake. Good Job "missy" so now you can report back to Clay that you have served him well once again.
At 12:44 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
People who know Clay inside and out, people who've known him before American Idol, his true, long time friends call him Clayton.
12:33 AM
And that leaves whom, exactly?
12:35 AM
Are you saying he no longer has long time friends?
12:39 AM
If you are an example of a long-time friend, he would be better off without them.
At 12:44 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "kiss, maybe you should just shut up. You're losing credibility with each and every post you make.
You mean I had some credibility? Wow!
At 12:45 AM, Anonymous said...
She could put in 14 hour days for weeks to make up for the time she travels with Clay. You have NO idea. It is not fair to judge what you know nothing about.
12:42 AM
How 'bout Kristy is ANOTHER opportunist, celebrity hound, globe trotter who couldn't give two shits about BAF, but she's well taken care of as long as she doesn't spill the beans about Clay's personal life. Keep sending BAF your money, fools.
At 12:45 AM, Anonymous said...
Kristy saw dollar signs in Clay and she has been blinded ever the point where she sacrificed her marriage for it. She's a money hungry whore with a fat ass and a pig face.
At 12:45 AM, Anonymous said...
It's so easy to set back behind a computer screen and tell everyone else how to live their life isn't it? She may very well be doing a good job - unless you are tracking all her moves 24/7 as well as Clay Aiken's. You really don't have much room to criticize the way someone else is living their lives since you don't seem to have much of a handle on your own. Anyway - I wish you well with it!!!
How good of a job can she be doing when she's out running around with Clay to every single event? How many people in their 20's get pluggged into a job as President with that kind of salary? Why is her resume not listed when the board member's resumes are listed?
At 12:45 AM, John Paulus said...
Well, what he'd really like is for this blog to go away.
Of course he does, it's the only thing that's ever held him accountable.
At 12:45 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Anonymous said...
Kiss - Does Clay know what you are saying to his fans and if so, does he approve?"
Well, what he'd really like is for this blog to go away.
12:42 AM
And your presence here is facilitating that in what way?
At 12:46 AM, Anonymous said...
And your presence here is facilitating that in what way?
12:45 AM
No shit.
At 12:46 AM, John Paulus said...
She could put in 14 hour days for weeks to make up for the time she travels with Clay. You have NO idea. It is not fair to judge what you know nothing about.
Really? Is that after the concert and hockey games?
At 12:46 AM, Anonymous said...
OMG, tell me you didn't really say this? YOU CAN RENT A CONDO FROM ITS OWNER. You need to get out more.
Kiss, what the hell are you talking about? Of COURSE one can rent a condo from its owner, assuming said owner does not want to live there and wants the rental income.
At 12:47 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
He didn't "Mentally abuse" Clay. Step fathers ALWAYS favor their blood sons before their step sons. That's nothing out of the ordinary!
How about making Clay clean up his room and then the stepfather going back three times and messing it up and yelling at Clay for not listening and cleaning up his room?Is that normal for a stepfather to do, and a mother to sit by and watch?
Remember, these were Clay's own words.
12:42 AM
I know someone who has a natural parent who did that to them. It's not just step parents, no, but some step parents do act like that. I'm saying that it wasn't just Clay's step father. However, when you're talking about Faye, remember what she had been through in the past.
At 12:47 AM, Anonymous said...
Clay fans!!! Stay AWAY from his house!! He told you to on LKL or he will flatten your tires! Just make sure you shut up when he gives you the hand signal and buy 8 copies!
At 12:48 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Good idea but unfortunately for me, the damage has already been done plus I have figured out who it is. Clay is a lier and a fake. Good Job "missy" so now you can report back to Clay that you have served him well once again. "
Ah ha! Another has identified me! I'm scared now!
At 12:48 AM, Anonymous said...
Well, what he'd really like is for this blog to go away.
He does not know some of his "former" fans as of tonite and your comments, are doing just that..going should be proud. Oh by the way, tell him that we did support him until you started talking, we were only guilty of finding this place to talk and regroup so once again, I say you have served him well.
At 12:48 AM, Anonymous said...
Remember, these were Clay's own words.
Oh well, then. It's the Gospel according to Clay. *rolls eyes*
At 12:48 AM, Anonymous said...
when you're talking about Faye, remember what she had been through in the past.
12:47 AM
Again, FUCK her. No matter what you may have suffered in your own life, it does NOT give you an excuse to extend that own suffering to your children!
At 12:48 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Kristy saw dollar signs in Clay and she has been blinded ever the point where she sacrificed her marriage for it. She's a money hungry whore with a fat ass and a pig face.
12:45 AM
Kristy is nothing but a very good friend to Clay, I don't see why people have to degrade her without really knowing her.
At 12:49 AM, Anonymous said...
If the CEO is Clay and Clay is dedicating songs to the President of his foundation and giving her all kinds of perks as a best friend, can Kristy really be objective and loyal when it comes time to voting? Could the other members of the board possibly be objective with his best friend? Maybe they can since it seems to be the Carolina Clique running it.
It seems like it's a vanity charity with a bunch of kids running around and spending everybody's money.
At 12:49 AM, Anonymous said...
I don't know if Kristi (sp?) is qualified for her BAF position or not. Even if she is, it is a conflict of interest to serve as BAF President while also being a personal assistant to the person who heads BAF. It would be too difficult to establish what resources were used to fund BAF-specific activities and what were used in the role of PA.
At 12:49 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Again, FUCK her. No matter what you may have suffered in your own life, it does NOT give you an excuse to extend that own suffering to your children!
12:48 AM
At 12:50 AM, Anonymous said...
Ah ha! Another has identified me! I'm scared now!
I could care less what you are but if Clay were looking for a PR person to ruin his career then he sure found a winner in you.
At 12:50 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss, I think the charade is over. Why don't you just come clean, and tell everybody who you are? A rabid Claymate, who's plan to dupe John has backfired big time..
At 12:50 AM, Anonymous said...
Kristy is nothing but a very good friend to Clay, I don't see why people have to degrade her without really knowing her.
That's what John does. She goes to a hockey game and a concert and all of a sudden, she doesn't earn her keep.
At 12:50 AM, Anonymous said...
She could put in 14 hour days for weeks to make up for the time she travels with Clay. You have NO idea.
Oh please. If she were putting in 14 hour days, that sham of a "charity" might actually be accomplishing at least some part of its stated mission.
Based on what it actually accomplishes, it should be called the "Pay Clay Aiken's Personal Faghag Foundation."
At 12:50 AM, Anonymous said...
Oh Boy, isn't this fun? Hey Kiss, do we sound like co-dependents now?
How's this working for you and Clay?
At 12:51 AM, Anonymous said...
However, when you're talking about Faye, remember what she had been through in the past.
This is such bull. A mother does not, I repeat, does not allow their child to be abused, period, end of story, no matter what.
At 12:51 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "He does not know some of his "former" fans as of tonite and your comments, are doing just that..going should be proud. Oh by the way, tell him that we did support him until you started talking, we were only guilty of finding this place to talk and regroup so once again, I say you have served him well. "
Oh let me get this straight. You were a fan, but frequented this blog to what, 'regroup?' And what I said has made you a non-fan? Huh? I'm just a poster on a blog - why would that have any effect on you being a fan of Clay? Isn't it about the music?
*twilight zone music plays*
At 12:52 AM, John Paulus said...
Kristy is nothing but a very good friend to Clay, I don't see why people have to degrade her without really knowing her.
I'm not degrading her and I don't question her friendship whatsoever with Clay. My only gripe is that she should be running the foundation and not travelling to Eastern Europe, LA, NYC, Sweden, etc as Clay's personal assistant and collecting a check from BAF unless she is reimbursing the foundation. That's all.
At 12:52 AM, Anonymous said...
KISS'S boyfriend. Unless you are willing to say who you are and what information you have that the rest of us don't. GO FUCK YOURSELF. I bet you are FAYE in disguise you spineless excuse-maker.
At 12:52 AM, Anonymous said...
If the CEO is Clay and Clay is dedicating songs to the President of his foundation and giving her all kinds of perks as a best friend, can Kristy really be objective and loyal when it comes time to voting? Could the other members of the board possibly be objective with his best friend? Maybe they can since it seems to be the Carolina Clique running it.
It seems like it's a vanity charity with a bunch of kids running around and spending everybody's money.
You forgot to mention that Faye is on the board, along with Clay.
At 12:52 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend seems to relish making excuses--for Clay, Faye, Kristy.
At 12:52 AM, Anonymous said...
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they're "like." I know what they ARE. Clay is a manipulating, lying, closeted homosexual and Faye is his enabler. I wouldn't give you a dime to spit on either one of them.
At 12:53 AM, Anonymous said...
Kristy is nothing but a very good friend to Clay, I don't see why people have to degrade her without really knowing her.
I don't know about the BAF, maybe somebody should check into that.
But it sounds like Kristy has been a good friend to Clay and has helped him to cope.
At 12:53 AM, Anonymous said...
I'm not degrading her and I don't question her friendship whatsoever with Clay. My only gripe is that she should be running the foundation and not travelling to Eastern Europe, LA, NYC, Sweden, etc as Clay's personal assistant and collecting a check from BAF unless she is reimbursing the foundation. That's all.
12:52 AM
Your gripe is very well founded!
At 12:54 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend seems to relish making excuses--for Clay, Faye, Kristy.
12:52 AM
Because I don't see the need in degrading people when they don't deserve it.
At 12:54 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Again, FUCK her. No matter what you may have suffered in your own life, it does NOT give you an excuse to extend that own suffering to your children!
12:48 AM
12:49 AM
They are absolutely correct, though.
Whatever Faye may have gone through, and if it is terrible, then I am sorry.
But, that STILL does not make it ok to allow such things to happen to your own children.
At 12:55 AM, Anonymous said...
Amazing! Kiss and her boyfriend are turning out to be more effective that John and his supporters in turning off fans from Clay. With friends like these, Clay sure as heck doesn't need any enemies. LOL!!
At 12:56 AM, Anonymous said...
So Clay was lying in LTS?
At 12:56 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
So Clay was lying in LTS?
12:56 AM
At 12:56 AM, Anonymous said...
Kristy is Clay's good friend and that is ALL she is qualified to be! As president of BAF, all the mates donations partially enable her to globe hop, meet celeb's and do virtually NOTHING.
Someone with NO CONNECTION to Clay should be in charge of BAF, but, hey, mates! Keep paying for Kristy's travel plans and accomodations!
At 12:57 AM, Anonymous said...
At 8:49 PM, Go John and Clay! said...
Sure you do. Well, then you'd know what he does when he comes to his favorite club (the private one) here in LA and he's just hanging out with the boys.
Funny...most gay least the ones that I know only hang out with females. They dont have any male friends...if he is hanging out with guys- that just proves to me that he is straight, just like I have believed from the first second I saw him.
Pat the deluded mat on the head.
The person is talking about a private club in which gay men go to meet OTHER gay men.
I just had to bring your post over and shout out a thank you to GJAC for. The only one with brains in their head to see my post as it is.
At 12:57 AM, Anonymous said...
I think a new blog is needed.. Kiss and her boyfriend should just come clean as to who they are.
At 12:57 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend seems to relish making excuses--for Clay, Faye, Kristy.
12:52 AM
That's what we do in the South!!
We make excuses and pineapple salad. Every last one of us Southerners do these things! And, damnit, not a one of us goes to therapy, so don't even suggest it. We are steel magnolias (apparently, even our menfolk); we tackle our problems on our own, thankyou, with a little pharmaceutical help.
At 12:57 AM, Anonymous said...
Amazing! Kiss and her boyfriend are turning out to be more effective that John and his supporters in turning off fans from Clay. With friends like these, Clay sure as heck doesn't need any enemies. LOL!!
Haha. John, you have competition.
At 12:57 AM, Anonymous said...
anonymous said: "Good idea but unfortunately for me, the damage has already been done plus I have figured out who it is. Clay is a lier and a fake. Good Job "missy" so now you can report back to Clay that you have served him well once again. "
Ah ha! Another has identified me! I'm scared now!
12:48 AM
"Missy?" That can't be good.
At 12:57 AM, Anonymous said...
Oh let me get this straight. You were a fan, but frequented this blog to what, 'regroup?' And what I said has made you a non-fan? Huh? I'm just a poster on a blog - why would that have any effect on you being a fan of Clay? Isn't it about the music?
*twilight zone music plays*
you tell me since you are the one that basically told us to go away since we do not seem to have lives of our own. If it was all about the music some of us would of left a long time ago with the rest that have left. If this place shut down then where would you go to cast others away, the OFC??
At 12:58 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss's BF? You have NO credibility. Shut the fuck up. Thanks.
At 12:58 AM, Anonymous said...
neither do you anon 12:58!
At 12:59 AM, Anonymous said...
So it's not too difficult. According to Clay, he was abused and Faye stood by. Simple.
At 12:59 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Kiss's BF? You have NO credibility. Shut the fuck up. Thanks.
12:58 AM
Freedom of speech. ;)
At 12:59 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "you tell me since you are the one that basically told us to go away since we do not seem to have lives of our own. "
WHAT? I never said that.
At 12:59 AM, PH said...
GAIKEN! It's been a while!
At 1:00 AM, Anonymous said...
Wow, you minions are really something. You act like you know what Clay should do, his feelings on everything, you know why he does everything, you have opinions on everything in his life, and it is all based on this funked up story of John's. You have speculated on every single thing in his life . Just like the mates, but unlike the mates you wonder why he does not do what you think he should be doing. Read some of your posts, these are not just opinions they are like you people act like you know him. JP by his own words spent 90 minutes with him. He knows nothing about Clay. Do you really think JP has had any contact with CA after that tryst? If thier even was a tryst. John is making this shit up as he goes along, and you minions get to speculate on Clay's life. Like someone said earlier, how do you asses know Clay is not happy? You say you can tell by the way he looks. Clay looks good and he is working. You really can't see that?
At 1:00 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
So it's not too difficult. According to Clay, he was abused and Faye stood by. Simple.
12:59 AM
He never said that!
At 1:00 AM, Anonymous said...
Why are you so upset? Do you know them? Are you Clay?
If so, I was at the Snowflake lighting and you were adorable, articulate, funny. Love and support you unconditionally for the long haul.
At 1:00 AM, Kiss or No Kiss said...
Geez, what are you guys all over my boyfriend for? He seems to make alot of sense to me. More sense than most of the b.s. that is usually posted here.
At 1:01 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend seems to relish making excuses--for Clay, Faye, Kristy.
12:52 AM
That's what we do in the South!!
We make excuses and pineapple salad. Every last one of us Southerners do these things! And, damnit, not a one of us goes to therapy, so don't even suggest it. We are steel magnolias (apparently, even our menfolk); we tackle our problems on our own, thankyou, with a little pharmaceutical help.
12:57 AM
LOL. I'm southern and even I thought that was hilarious.
At 1:02 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
neither do you anon 12:58!
12:58 AM
I have a fuck of a lot more than "kiss's boyfriend". Stick a corn cob up your ass and get happy!
At 1:02 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
Geez, what are you guys all over my boyfriend for? He seems to make alot of sense to me. More sense than most of the b.s. that is usually posted here.
1:00 AM
Thanks, girlfriend of mine.
At 1:03 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
neither do you anon 12:58!
12:58 AM
I have a fuck of a lot more than "kiss's boyfriend". Stick a corn cob up your ass and get happy!
1:02 AM
Sounds like something that you'd be in to. Have fun!
At 1:03 AM, Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I have a fuck of a lot more than "kiss's boyfriend". Stick a corn cob up your ass and get happy!
1:02 AM
ok, but you get to eat it after!!!!
At 1:03 AM, Anonymous said...
Well, what he'd really like is for this blog to go away.
Tough luck. With mounting evidence that Clay's "apology" was a fake, John has every right to keep this blog up until Clay can't even get a gig singing at a boat show.
Given that the sweetheart deal that John offered was spat upon, I think that John should now insist that Clay make a PUBLIC apology to John that MENTIONS HIM BY NAME and is CLEARLY AND DIRECTLY WORDED. No more half-assed denials, secret blogging about dogs or any of that other bullshit. John deserves complete and total public vindication.
At 1:04 AM, John Paulus said...
Do you really think JP has had any contact with CA after that tryst? If thier even was a tryst. John is making this shit up as he goes along, and you minions get to speculate on Clay's life. Like someone said earlier, how do you asses know Clay is not happy? You say you can tell by the way he looks. Clay looks good and he is working. You really can't see that?
Honey, I can assure you I know a lot more about Clay and some of the things he's been up to than his own family. And if you still think that I wasn't with Clay for the tryst then there is no hope for you. Sorry.
At 1:05 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
Geez, what are you guys all over my boyfriend for? He seems to make alot of sense to me. More sense than most of the b.s. that is usually posted here.
1:00 AM
When Boyfriend said that ALL step parents prefer their own blood children ALWAYS, they proved that nothing else they said would be worth a shit penny.
At 1:05 AM, Anonymous said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
Geez, what are you guys all over my boyfriend for? He seems to make alot of sense to me. More sense than most of the b.s. that is usually posted here.
1:00 AM
I propose that we all band together and offer to Kiss's Boyfriend our "love and support, unconditionally, for the long haul". It doesn't matter that we don't know KB. It doesn't matter that we will never know KB. It doesn't matter that KB doesn't know or love us. In the spirit of offering unconditional love and support for complete strangers, let's offer that to Kiss's Boyfriend, shall we? An olive branch, so to speak.
Besides, don't you just know that Kiss's Boyfriend must be adorable and articulate? I just lurves the way he/she communicates in ALL CAPS and generalizations.
All together now: "I heart Kiss's Boyfriend. Unconditionally."
At 1:05 AM, Anonymous said...
What quality time Kiss and Kiss's boyfriend.. sitting on a hate blog, pretending to know Clay Aiken. Loads of fun.
At 1:06 AM, Anonymous said...
OMG what we have said here has nothing to do with JP, it is in the book that Clay wrote himself. I am not here because of John nor do I like someone telling me what I think. Ok enough said. Clay looks good compared to what?? Yep he sure is working, for now. Yes I did see it but gee the tv has a off button thanks too you. Tell him that you have served him well.
At 1:06 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Given that the sweetheart deal that John offered was spat upon, I think that John should now insist that Clay make a PUBLIC apology to John that MENTIONS HIM BY NAME and is CLEARLY AND DIRECTLY WORDED. No more half-assed denials, secret blogging about dogs or any of that other bullshit. John deserves complete and total public vindication.
1:03 AM
And why would Clay have to give John a public apology? I think John should have to give Clay and his family one.
At 1:06 AM, Anonymous said...
JP by his own words spent 90 minutes with him.
And Claymates have spent exactly 90 minutes LESS with Clay than John has.
So your argument is sort of pointless, isn't it?
At 1:06 AM, Anonymous said...
John, have you spoken to Clay on the phone? You said you did a few days ago and now you don't know? Why won't you answer the question?
At 1:07 AM, Anonymous said...
He never said that!
Well, he wrote the book and gave these accounts. He never actually said "I was abused and my mother stood by." I know how much he loves Faye and how much she loves him, but some of those accounts left me in tears. He didn't have to actually use the words.
It was obvious he felt excluded.
Maybe I'm taking it personal because I remarried and my husband didn't like my son, and I would never let any of those things that happend to Clay happen to my son.
At 1:07 AM, Anonymous said...
When Boyfriend said that ALL step parents prefer their own blood children ALWAYS, they proved that nothing else they said would be worth a shit penny.
No shit. That comment did make me chuckle, as I have a stepfamily, and am NOT favored by my blood father.. so to say ALWAYS, was kinf of stupid.
At 1:08 AM, Anonymous said...
I propose that we all band together and offer to Kiss's Boyfriend our "love and support, unconditionally, for the long haul". It doesn't matter that we don't know KB. It doesn't matter that we will never know KB. It doesn't matter that KB doesn't know or love us. In the spirit of offering unconditional love and support for complete strangers, let's offer that to Kiss's Boyfriend, shall we? An olive branch, so to speak.
Besides, don't you just know that Kiss's Boyfriend must be adorable and articulate? I just lurves the way he/she communicates in ALL CAPS and generalizations.
All together now: "I heart Kiss's Boyfriend. Unconditionally."
You are joking, right??
At 1:08 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Maybe I'm taking it personal because I remarried and my husband didn't like my son, and I would never let any of those things that happend to Clay happen to my son.
1:07 AM
Every family situation is different, but Faye is NOT a bad person.
At 1:08 AM, John Paulus said...
And why would Clay have to give John a public apology? I think John should have to give Clay and his family one.
You'll get your wish in 10 days. lol
At 1:09 AM, Anonymous said...
John, have you spoken to Clay on the phone? You said you did a few days ago and now you don't know? Why won't you answer the question?
1:06 AM
Between John and Kiss, they just can't keep their stories straight at all. How many different versions of all these events have there been now?
At 1:09 AM, Anonymous said...
No shit. That comment did make me chuckle, as I have a stepfamily, and am NOT favored by my blood father.. so to say ALWAYS, was kinf of stupid.
1:07 AM
Exactly. My blood father never cared for me at all. But, my stepfather always treated me as his own.
At 1:09 AM, Anonymous said...
And why would Clay have to give John a public apology? I think John should have to give Clay and his family one.
HA! For what...exposing some of the truth about Clay? How is that wrong, exactly?
At 1:09 AM, Anonymous said...
Boo hoo. Clay's stepdaddy thought he was a flaming fart and tried to toughen him up. I don't feel any pity for Clay.
At 1:10 AM, Anonymous said...
Geez Boyfriend, you're sure taking up alot for Faye. Kind of odd..
At 1:10 AM, Anonymous said...
Do you really think JP has had any contact with CA after that tryst? If thier even was a tryst. John is making this shit up as he goes along, and you minions get to speculate on Clay's life.
Then Clay need to stop playing games and speak up so his fans understand who they are supporting. Clay speaks out of both sides of his mouth. RCA and his management team have done absolutely nothing to clear the air. Now his fans are being made fun of. Blogging "I love you all" or "All is well" is not going to reassure the fans.
Now we have Kiss who says she is a friend of Clays. She never answered my question. Kiss, does Clay know you are on here saying these things to his fans and does he approve?
At 1:10 AM, Anonymous said...
When Boyfriend said that ALL step parents prefer their own blood children ALWAYS, they proved that nothing else they said would be worth a shit penny.
No shit. That comment did make me chuckle, as I have a stepfamily, and am NOT favored by my blood father.. so to say ALWAYS, was kinf of stupid.
Recently Clay said himself that he had too spend three hours in the emergency room after his step father passed away because of the anxiety and strainful relationship between them...oh excuse me...I forgot, we are not supposed to care. WOOPS!!!
At 1:10 AM, Anonymous said...
All together now: "I heart Kiss's Boyfriend. Unconditionally."
You are joking, right??
Yes, I am joking. I am "funnin'" with the Claymate that posted about her unconditional love for Clay. I think that is beyond weird.
At 1:11 AM, Anonymous said...
I can see that kiss or no kiss (my ass) is still bullshitting here.
By the way, did you ever tell Clay how very UNCOOL it was of him to track down the dealership of the man driving that Aston Martin Vanquish on Sunset Blvd that Friday evening three nights after doing Kimmel? My friend was NOT amused. Apparently, that night his boyfriend Gabe was not with him. My friend told the people on the phone that the woman he was with was his wife to so Clay would get lost.
If you know Clay as you state then you'll know of this story if not go ahead and ask him?
At 1:11 AM, Anonymous said...
You'll get your wish in 10 days. lol
What does that mean? Is something going to happen in 10 days?
At 1:11 AM, Anonymous said...
Every family situation is different
Yes. It is. Which is exactly why you need to drop the blanket statements.
At 1:12 AM, Anonymous said...
Exactly. My blood father never cared for me at all. But, my stepfather always treated me as his own.
1:09 AM
My father cares for me, but favors the stepkids. My stepdad treats me much better.
At 1:13 AM, Anonymous said...
So Clay was lying in LTS?
DUH! Again, Clay really knows how to pick 'em. Suckers, one and all.
At 1:13 AM, Anonymous said...
I propose that we all band together and offer to Kiss's Boyfriend our "love and support, unconditionally, for the long haul". It doesn't matter that we don't know KB. It doesn't matter that we will never know KB. It doesn't matter that KB doesn't know or love us. In the spirit of offering unconditional love and support for complete strangers, let's offer that to Kiss's Boyfriend, shall we? An olive branch, so to speak.
Besides, don't you just know that Kiss's Boyfriend must be adorable and articulate? I just lurves the way he/she communicates in ALL CAPS and generalizations.
All together now: "I heart Kiss's Boyfriend. Unconditionally."
LOL, and I'm the one that wrote the unconditional stuff. Hey, I'm a Clay fan, I have to have a sense of humor.
At 1:13 AM, Anonymous said...
I think I need to hit the crack pipe to even attempt to understand what is going on here tonight.
At 1:14 AM, Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
And why would Clay have to give John a public apology? I think John should have to give Clay and his family one.
HA! For what...exposing some of the truth about Clay? How is that wrong, exactly?
1:09 AM
For putting his family through hell for the past few months.
At 1:14 AM, Anonymous said...
John, why do you let the blogs get to so many comments now?
At 1:15 AM, Anonymous said...
Every family situation is different, but Faye is NOT a bad person.
Okay, I know everything is not black and white. Truce.
At 1:15 AM, Anonymous said...
By the way, did you ever tell Clay how very UNCOOL it was of him to track down the dealership of the man driving that Aston Martin Vanquish on Sunset Blvd that Friday evening three nights after doing Kimmel? My friend was NOT amused. Apparently, that night his boyfriend Gabe was not with him. My friend told the people on the phone that the woman he was with was his wife to so Clay would get lost.
If you know Clay as you state then you'll know of this story if not go ahead and ask him?
If my memory serves me correctly, did you not post the beginning of this story on the OFC and you were told it was "private" stuff?? I took my first walk after that statement. Now too hear the rest of the story, it really shows just how important Clay thinks he is, doesn't it.
At 1:17 AM, Anonymous said...
For putting his family through hell for the past few months.
Clay's family's well-being is absolutely not John's obligation, anymore than keeping Clay's personal life secret is.
Clay has no one to blame but himself. And neither do his fans.
At 1:17 AM, Anonymous said...
Wait, was Clay trying to get with the woman, or the man in the Aston Martin?
Anonymous said...
Wait, was Clay trying to get with the woman, or the man in the Aston Martin?
1:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
By the way, did you ever tell Clay how very UNCOOL it was of him to track down the dealership of the man driving that Aston Martin Vanquish on Sunset Blvd that Friday evening three nights after doing Kimmel? My friend was NOT amused. Apparently, that night his boyfriend Gabe was not with him. My friend told the people on the phone that the woman he was with was his wife to so Clay would get lost.
If you know Clay as you state then you'll know of this story if not go ahead and ask him?
If my memory serves me correctly, did you not post the beginning of this story on the OFC and you were told it was "private" stuff?? I took my first walk after that statement. Now too hear the rest of the story, it really shows just how important Clay thinks he is, doesn't it.
1:15 AM
This was told on the OFC and they ONLY said it was private?
1:18 AM
Anonymous said...
For putting his family through hell for the past few months.
Ok so whom put "his" family thru hell the past few months?? WOW he is more self centered then I thought.
1:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Wait, was Clay trying to get with the woman, or the man in the Aston Martin?
The man.
1:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Now his fans are being made fun of.
And Clay is the one doing it. Publicly. Repeatedly. Treating you like trained seals. How does that feel, Claymates? Do you even get what he's doing? The rest of the world does.
1:20 AM
Anonymous said...
This was told on the OFC and they ONLY said it was private?
Basically you were told to shut up, right??
1:20 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
For putting his family through hell for the past few months.
Ok so whom put "his" family thru hell the past few months?? WOW he is more self centered then I thought.
1:19 AM
Self centered? He cares about his family more than himself. I can see how self centered he is.
1:20 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Wait, was Clay trying to get with the woman, or the man in the Aston Martin?
The man.
1:19 AM
And the OFC ONLY said it was private? They didn't scream and call "liar" and ban the person telling it from planet earth?
1:20 AM
Anonymous said...
Kiss' Boyfriend, I'm really enjoying your posts. You are making things interesting around here.
1:21 AM
Anonymous said...
And Clay is the one doing it. Publicly. Repeatedly. Treating you like trained seals.
Not only that, but by beliving that his fans are dumb enough to believe any half-assed thing that flies out of his mouth. He's right about some of them (sadly) but not all of them. Many of his fans became convinced that he really IS gay after his shifty non-answers in those interviews.
1:22 AM
Anonymous said...
John Paulus said...
And why would Clay have to give John a public apology? I think John should have to give Clay and his family one.
You'll get your wish in 10 days. lol
1:08 AM
you better not fuck with him on his bday, paulus. leave him alone, damnit
1:22 AM
Anonymous said...
1:23 AM
Anonymous said...
By the way, did you ever tell Clay how very UNCOOL it was of him to track down the dealership of the man driving that Aston Martin Vanquish on Sunset Blvd that Friday evening three nights after doing Kimmel? My friend was NOT amused. Apparently, that night his boyfriend Gabe was not with him. My friend told the people on the phone that the woman he was with was his wife to so Clay would get lost.
And how do we know this is true?
1:24 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Kiss' Boyfriend, I'm really enjoying your posts. You are making things interesting around here. "
Me too!
1:24 AM
Anonymous said...
I don't think it even being told on OFC is true. They wouldn't just say shut up. They would kick you to the curb for insuating he was chasing after some guy.
1:25 AM
Anonymous said...
Self centered? He cares about his family more than himself.
HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please. Clay Aiken is an arrogant prick who thinks the sun shines out of his asshole. He only cares about one person, and that's himself.
1:25 AM
Anonymous said...
Kristy is Clay's good friend and that is ALL she is qualified to be! As president of BAF, all the mates donations partially enable her to globe hop, meet celeb's and do virtually NOTHING.
Someone with NO CONNECTION to Clay should be in charge of BAF, but, hey, mates! Keep paying for Kristy's travel plans and accomodations!
Ding Ding! It would be different if Kristy were making a salary that was in line with her experience. It doesn't matter that Kristy may be traveling at her own expense, but her salary is derived from donations and those donations are from primarily fans. It's comical that Clay flaunts this in the fan's faces by blogging about Kristy traveling to soap operas with him and then you see her at every single appearance that he's at practically. Talk about a dream job and with a dream job like that, is the charity going to be Kristy's first loyalty or is her loyalty going to be with Clay? I guess they don't care about their reputation and how horrible this looks.
1:26 AM
Anonymous said...
Kristy is Clay's good friend and that is ALL she is qualified to be! As president of BAF, all the mates donations partially enable her to globe hop, meet celeb's and do virtually NOTHING.
Someone with NO CONNECTION to Clay should be in charge of BAF, but, hey, mates! Keep paying for Kristy's travel plans and accomodations!
Ding Ding! It would be different if Kristy were making a salary that was in line with her experience. It doesn't matter that Kristy may be traveling at her own expense, but her salary is derived from donations and those donations are from primarily fans. It's comical that Clay flaunts this in the fan's faces by blogging about Kristy traveling to soap operas with him and then you see her at every single appearance that he's at practically. Talk about a dream job and with a dream job like that, is the charity going to be Kristy's first loyalty or is her loyalty going to be with Clay? I guess they don't care about their reputation and how horrible this looks.
1:27 AM
Anonymous said...
you better not fuck with him on his bday, paulus. leave him alone, damnit
Oh fuck you.
It's Clay's BIRTHDAY in 10 days?? Hmmm...I wonder what John has in mind for a birthday present? Something memorable, I hope.
1:27 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Self centered? He cares about his family more than himself.
HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please. Clay Aiken is an arrogant prick who thinks the sun shines out of his asshole. He only cares about one person, and that's himself.
1:25 AM
You don't know the first thing about Clay, so why try to say what kind of person he is?
1:27 AM
Anonymous said...
And Clay is the one doing it. Publicly. Repeatedly. Treating you like trained seals. How does that feel, Claymates? Do you even get what he's doing? The rest of the world does.
I did not until tonite. I feel dooped and gee that new CD sure seems not to fit in my stereo anymnore. I have to make a run to wal-mart tomarrow to return the christmas cd that I bought for my son too, need to make myself a reminder on that. Need to find the off button on the tv next time a "Clay" moment is shown. Yep I feel real good about the time I have devoted the past three years too a self centered lier & fake. Gee whiz too think that I actually thought maybe someday I would like to catch a concert too hear him sing ATD's live...WOW what was I thinking. Sorry, I can think of better ways to spend my time and besides Barry Manilow has a wonderful new CD out. Oh I must not forget to take all the nice dedications off of my little corner of My Space for Clay, now I had better tell my friends on my friends list why I have taken all the pictures and videos off. I have alot of work too do thanks to Clay's new PR person. I hope he pays you well???
1:27 AM
Anonymous said...
HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please. Clay Aiken is an arrogant prick who thinks the sun shines out of his asshole. He only cares about one person, and that's himself.
You know what, people get carried away believing everything they read. No one on this blog, except people that know him, really knows what is truly going on with Clay.
1:27 AM
Anonymous said...
You don't know the first thing about Clay, so why try to say what kind of person he is?
1:27 AM
Neither do you, dickwad
1:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Clay's birthday is the 30th? Is that right? So that is the day we are waiting on?
1:29 AM
Anonymous said...
You don't know the first thing about Clay, so why try to say what kind of person he is?
I am getting so tired of hearing this and quite frankly you are starting to piss me off. Again I say, I hope he is paying you well to clean out his fan base.
1:30 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
You don't know the first thing about Clay, so why try to say what kind of person he is?
1:27 AM
Neither do you, dickwad
1:29 AM
Look in the mirror.
1:31 AM
Anonymous said...
I did not until tonite. I feel dooped and gee that new CD sure seems not to fit in my stereo anymnore. I have to make a run to wal-mart tomarrow to return the christmas cd that I bought for my son too, need to make myself a reminder on that. Need to find the off button on the tv next time a "Clay" moment is shown. Yep I feel real good about the time I have devoted the past three years too a self centered lier & fake. Gee whiz too think that I actually thought maybe someday I would like to catch a concert too hear him sing ATD's live...WOW what was I thinking. Sorry, I can think of better ways to spend my time and besides Barry Manilow has a wonderful new CD out. Oh I must not forget to take all the nice dedications off of my little corner of My Space for Clay, now I had better tell my friends on my friends list why I have taken all the pictures and videos off. I have alot of work too do thanks to Clay's new PR person. I hope he pays you well???
1:27 AM
Well, GEE!!
1:31 AM
Anonymous said...
Many of his fans became convinced that he really IS gay after his shifty non-answers in those interviews.
I'm not surprised. The Claymates were boasting about how Clay would clear the air completely and state emphatically that he was not gay. It never happened, of course, and you could sense the disappointment. It's pretty amazing that it took so long, but better late than never, I guess. I think that the problem is that in realizing that Clay had lied to his fans about being gay, now they question other aspects of Clay's image vs. real persona. They should. He's a fraud.
1:31 AM
Anonymous said...
I don't think it even being told on OFC is true. They wouldn't just say shut up. They would kick you to the curb for insuating he was chasing after some guy.
That part of the story wasn't told.
What allegedly happened the day before was, which is the woman and man were in his I think Astin Martin and a SUV withe tinted window pulled up and the window rolled down and Clay said "cool car," or somthing and drove away.
If I remember, there was talk that that was his private life so don't talk about it.
The part that was written above about the dealership, I know I read that on another board, don't remember where.
Now I remember. The story came from OC. I think that is one reason the OFC didn't like it.
1:32 AM
Anonymous said...
Look in the mirror.
1:31 AM
You first!!!
Ah, shit. Your face broke it. :(
1:32 AM
Anonymous said...
You don't know the first thing about Clay, so why try to say what kind of person he is?
His public behavior makes it crystal clear what type of person he is. Hell, his behavior over John's story ALONE makes it clear. If Clay had an ounce of modesty and even half a fucking brain, he would have apologized to John MONTHS AGO.
And please don't give me any of that nonsense about Clay being "stubborn" and doing "what he wants when he wants." Because that's really just a polite way of saying what I'm saying: that he's an arrogant prick.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
^^sorry for the typos, I'm tired.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
You know what, people get carried away believing everything they read. No one on this blog, except people that know him, really knows what is truly going on with Clay.
We only know what Clay has told us
bull crap...........lies
I hope he is giving you a bonus for this because until tonite I truly was a supporter or whatever the hell you want to dog us for being next. Give it your best shot.
1:33 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Anonymous said...
Look in the mirror.
1:31 AM
You first!!!
Ah, shit. Your face broke it. :(
1:32 AM
Are you sure it wasn't yours?
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
That part of the story wasn't told.
What allegedly happened the day before was, which is the woman and man were in his I think Astin Martin and a SUV withe tinted window pulled up and the window rolled down and Clay said "cool car," or somthing and drove away.
If I remember, there was talk that that was his private life so don't talk about it.
The part that was written above about the dealership, I know I read that on another board, don't remember where.
Now I remember. The story came from OC. I think that is one reason the OFC didn't like it.
1:32 AM
Oh, ok. I see. So, they knew the story before it was all told because they had seen it already on OC.
1:34 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "I hope he is giving you a bonus for this because until tonite I truly was a supporter or whatever the hell you want to dog us for being next. Give it your best shot. "
What the heck are you talking about?
1:35 AM
Anonymous said...
His public behavior makes it crystal clear what type of person he is. Hell, his behavior over John's story ALONE makes it clear. If Clay had an ounce of modesty and even half a fucking brain, he would have apologized to John MONTHS AGO.
He would not have sent you in here to finish off what support he had left in us. Get that bonus yet??
1:36 AM
Anonymous said...
I did not until tonite. I feel dooped and gee that new CD sure seems not to fit in my stereo anymnore. I have to make a run to wal-mart tomarrow to return the christmas cd that I bought for my son too, need to make myself a reminder on that. Need to find the off button on the tv next time a "Clay" moment is shown. Yep I feel real good about the time I have devoted the past three years too a self centered lier & fake. Gee whiz too think that I actually thought maybe someday I would like to catch a concert too hear him sing ATD's live...WOW what was I thinking. Sorry, I can think of better ways to spend my time and besides Barry Manilow has a wonderful new CD out. Oh I must not forget to take all the nice dedications off of my little corner of My Space for Clay, now I had better tell my friends on my friends list why I have taken all the pictures and videos off. I have alot of work too do thanks to Clay's new PR person. I hope he pays you well???
Yeah, this rings true.
1:36 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
How do you know he didn't TRY to apologize to John months ago?
1:37 AM
Anonymous said...
Kiss, does Clay know you are on here saying these things to his fans and does he approve? Why won't you answer? Is it because you don't really know Clay at all and you are a liar?"
1:37 AM
Anonymous said...
What the heck are you talking about?
Ok is it damage control time???
1:37 AM
Anonymous said...
He would not have sent you in here to finish off what support he had left in us. Get that bonus yet??
Honey...who the fuck are you talking to? I see where you've accused someone of that sort of thing above, but I'm not that person.
1:37 AM
Anonymous said...
At 1:24 AM, Anonymous said...
By the way, did you ever tell Clay how very UNCOOL it was of him to track down the dealership of the man driving that Aston Martin Vanquish on Sunset Blvd that Friday evening three nights after doing Kimmel? My friend was NOT amused. Apparently, that night his boyfriend Gabe was not with him. My friend told the people on the phone that the woman he was with was his wife to so Clay would get lost.
And how do we know this is true?
Oh it's true alright. Here's the story:
This little incident happened Friday night Sept 29th. It was a fews day after he did Kimmel. My girlfriend and her boyfriend had dinner at The Bel Air Hotel that night and afterwards they were driving down Sunset Blvd. The boyfriend drives an Aston Martin Vanquish as I said in my previous post. Anyway, the top was down on the car and they were stopped at a stop light across from The Beverly Hills Hotel. On the passenger side of the car a limo pulls up next to them. The next thing my girlfriend and her
boyfriend notice is that the window goes down and a guy leans his head out and says "your car is awesome". The boyfriend says thank you and then the guy rolls the window up and they drive off. My girlfriend turns to her boyfriend and says you do know who that was and he replied no. She said that was Clay Aiken.
You would think that would be the end of story but it is not. Early next morning the boyfriend gets a phone call from the dealership where he purchased his car. The person on the line said that they got a phone call from this "celebrity" and this celebrity saw his car last night and was interested in getting in touch with the him. The boyfriend asked who the celebrity was that was interested. The person on the phone said they could not give out that information because he is in the "business". The boyfriend told the person on the line that he is not giving out his phone number to anyone and to tell this "celebrity" that I'm married and the woman I was with is my wife wife. He hung up and could not believe that Clay had taken down his license number and had tracked the car and him down.
No one would believe this senario had it not happened exactly as it happened. The coincidence of one driving this Aston Martin, having a limo pull up along side of it and having Clay Aiken say "your car is awesome" and then the next morning receiving a very suspicious phone call from no less the dealership in which you purchased said automobile and
saying a "celebrity" who cannot reveal their name is interested in you and would like to get in touch with you is beyond anyone's wildest imagination.
Clay had no way of knowing at the time if the woman in the car was his wife, girlfriend or just a friend. He didn't know whether the husband was straight or gay either.
All we can say is Clay had a lot of Chutzpah in doing what he did. Maybe he thought my friends did not recognize him at all. But my girlfriend noticed him immediatley. The boyfriend had no idea. To say the
he was not pleased about this "incident" is putting it mildly. When my girlfriend called me last night and told me what happened we all laughed and we said no one would believe us. But when she called me this morning and told me the latest they weren't laughing anymore.
Apparently, Clay not only cruises the internet for guys he's now taking the lower route by crusing the streets of Beverly Hills and picking up
handsome guys who drive outragous automobiles.
So when I say he frequents that gay club it's 100% true and is this story.
1:38 AM
Anonymous said...
How do you know he didn't TRY to apologize to John months ago?
Because I imagine that John might have accepted it...unless, of course, it was half-assed and insincere.
1:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow! Kiss and KB are driving away more and more fans from Clay's ever dwindling fanbase! And they are supposed to be Clay's friends! Too funny! Carry on!
1:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Oh, ok. I see. So, they knew the story before it was all told because they had seen it already on OC.
Sorry for not explaining it correctly.
The first part about the Aston Martin came from someone who posts on both the OFC and the OC, and the OFC said it was private. It was a pretty mild story about Clay liking the car, that's all.
Then a few weeks later the part about Clay calling the dealership was posted on the OC, but not, to my knowledge, on the OFC.
1:40 AM
Anonymous said...
How do you know he didn't TRY to apologize to John months ago?
For what?? Think he said to Diane that his friends & family know better then to believe the tab loid stories plus the person had their five minutes of fame for which I said WAY TO GO CLAY........not any more..........woops I forgot, I don't know Clay.............sorry!!
1:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow! Kiss and KB are driving away more and more fans from Clay's ever dwindling fanbase! And they are supposed to be Clay's friends! Too funny! Carry on!
Please. No fan is going to be driven away by two people posting on John's blog.
1:41 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Kiss, does Clay know you are on here saying these things to his fans and does he approve? "
I guess I'm not seeing the problem here. What exactly am I saying that is 'bad?' I have said that Clay apologized to JOhn for his rude behavior. I have admitted that Clay hasn't exactly done what he was supposed to do in order for John to take down the blog. I have refrained from answering specific questions about Clay's private life. Where is this bad?
1:41 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Oh, ok. I see. So, they knew the story before it was all told because they had seen it already on OC.
Sorry for not explaining it correctly.
The first part about the Aston Martin came from someone who posts on both the OFC and the OC, and the OFC said it was private. It was a pretty mild story about Clay liking the car, that's all.
Then a few weeks later the part about Clay calling the dealership was posted on the OC, but not, to my knowledge, on the OFC.
1:40 AM
Clay might just as well come on out. If he keeps acting like this, he is going to get caught and that will make things 100 times worse on him AND his family.
1:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Maybe simply nothing can be good in this hell hole. Has that occured to you ?
1:44 AM
Anonymous said...
Blog taking too long to load and I'm about done tonight with reading this fucking bullshit with completely fucking fakes with kiss and Co. It's all bluffing bullshit you fucking idiots.
1:44 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow! Kiss and KB are driving away more and more fans from Clay's ever dwindling fanbase! And they are supposed to be Clay's friends! Too funny! Carry on!
I do not find this funny whatsoever but yes if this is what Clay wants and obviously it is from the way this "person" has bad mouthed us tonite then this will be my blog in my little corner of my space as of tomarrow morning. Now I at least know that what others have tried to tell me is true, he is a fake, lier and self centered twit. Wish I could feel good about this but it is just not happening yet.
1:44 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Clay might just as well come on out. If he keeps acting like this, he is going to get caught and that will make things 100 times worse on him AND his family.
1:43 AM
Clay shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't feel fit. How do you even know those stories are true?
1:44 AM
Anonymous said...
Think he said to Diane that his friends & family know better then to believe the tab loid stories
No, it was People. And what he said was "they know what's true." That could mean that they know he's gay.
Funny about the way he phrased that, huh? He could have said "they know the stories are false." But no. What he said was "they know what's true."
1:44 AM
Anonymous said...
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
How do you know he didn't TRY to apologize to John months ago?
Wow. I never thought of that. That's interesting.
Kiss's Boyfriend, I have a feeling that you know what you are talking about.
1:45 AM
Anonymous said...
If Clay is truly a faggot, then he can fucking go FUCK HIMSELF. That is so fucking disgusting, I'll sue RCA too. Fuck that faggot! May he rot in hell with the rest of the mother fucking faggots! Fuck you Clay is you are a fucking faggot!
1:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you better not fuck with him on his bday, paulus. leave him alone, damnit
Oh fuck you.
1:27 AM
Darling, I wouldnt fuck you with your daddy's dick.
1:45 AM
Anonymous said...
fucking bullshit with completely fucking fakes with kiss and Co. It's all bluffing bullshit you fucking idiots.
1:44 AM
Yeah, fuck it!!! LOL
1:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow. I never thought of that. That's interesting.
Kiss's Boyfriend, I have a feeling that you know what you are talking about.
Oh my God, they don't know fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!! You people are so fucking stupid I can't see straight.
1:45 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "I do not find this funny whatsoever but yes if this is what Clay wants and obviously it is from the way this "person" has bad mouthed us tonite then this will be my blog in my little corner of my space as of tomarrow morning."
What the heck are you talking about? Who has bad-mouthed you?
1:46 AM
Anonymous said...
I guess I'm not seeing the problem here. What exactly am I saying that is 'bad?' I have said that Clay apologized to JOhn for his rude behavior. I have admitted that Clay hasn't exactly done what he was supposed to do in order for John to take down the blog. I have refrained from answering specific questions about Clay's private life. Where is this bad?
Because these nutsos think that Clay is divine, God incarnate, and thus has nothing to apologize for.
Tendering an apology leads them to conclude that there is truth that there is something to apologize for, and puts them in the position of accepting that the false idol they've been worshiping all along is nothing but a lowly, faliable man.
1:46 AM
Anonymous said...
How do you even know those stories are true?
The absence of a CLEARLY WORDED, DIRECT denial from Clay. That's how we know.
1:46 AM
Anonymous said...
Clay shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't feel fit.
Absolutely true.
1:46 AM
Anonymous said...
I met Faye in person and have a photo with her.
1:47 AM
Anonymous said...
I guess I'm not seeing the problem here. What exactly am I saying that is 'bad?' I have said that Clay apologized to JOhn for his rude behavior. I have admitted that Clay hasn't exactly done what he was supposed to do in order for John to take down the blog. I have refrained from answering specific questions about Clay's private life. Where is this bad?
You are pissing off fans by telling them that they are co-dependents and that they should not be concerned with Clay. At the same time, you are saying that you are Clay's friend. I am asking you if Clay is instructing you to say these things to his fans and if he feels this way. You also are insisting that Clay apologized to Clay. Is all of this true and doesn't Clay care that you are on here sharing that with fans.
1:47 AM
Anonymous said...
Fuck you Clay is you are a fucking faggot!
Oh shut up Faye. Go to a PFLAG meeting or something.
1:47 AM
Anonymous said...
I guess I'm not seeing the problem here. What exactly am I saying that is 'bad?' I have said that Clay apologized to JOhn for his rude behavior. I have admitted that Clay hasn't exactly done what he was supposed to do in order for John to take down the blog. I have refrained from answering specific questions about Clay's private life. Where is this bad?
What part of your brain did you leave in New York?? Go back and read. According too you we are the last thing Clay wants to support him.....I HEAR YOU!!!
1:48 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous said: "I do not find this funny whatsoever but yes if this is what Clay wants and obviously it is from the way this "person" has bad mouthed us tonite then this will be my blog in my little corner of my space as of tomarrow morning."
What the heck are you talking about? Who has bad-mouthed you?
Kiss, who knows, this might be a Johnette in Claymate's clothing.
1:48 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "I do not find this funny whatsoever but yes if this is what Clay wants and obviously it is from the way this "person" has bad mouthed us tonite then this will be my blog in my little corner of my space as of tomarrow morning."
What the heck are you talking about? Who has bad-mouthed you?
1:46 AM
No one has bad mouthed anyone.
1:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Yup not ONE Of his friends can even come on this blog as an anon and truly say Clay isn't gay. Not once. Hasn't happened. His close friends know he's gay and they just try to cover for him. ICK just ICK. I hate fucking faggots. Clay you have disgusted so many people it's not even funny. I have taken down every autographed photo you made to me personally and tossed your CD's. I hate fucking faggots. You really make me sick.
1:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Clay shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't feel fit.
Then Clay shouldn't complain if and when he suffers for it.
1:49 AM
Anonymous said...
What part of your brain did you leave in New York?? Go back and read. According too you we are the last thing Clay wants to support him.....I HEAR YOU!!!
As a Clay fan myself, I think it would be wise to get rid of the rabid ones like you and your ilk. You are only harming Clay.
1:49 AM
Anonymous said...
I met Faye in person and have a photo with her.
Good for you Clay.
1:50 AM
Anonymous said...
1:50 AM
Anonymous said...
You are pissing off fans by telling them that they are co-dependents and that they should not be concerned with Clay. At the same time, you are saying that you are Clay's friend. I am asking you if Clay is instructing you to say these things to his fans and if he feels this way. You also are insisting that Clay apologized to Clay. Is all of this true and doesn't Clay care that you are on here sharing that with fans.
Well Said! I think someone is in over their heads............too late........we have seen the light soooooooooo now that there are not any fans left here why don't you and Clay go nite, nite!!
1:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Yup not ONE Of his friends can even come on this blog as an anon and truly say Clay isn't gay. Not once. Hasn't happened. His close friends know he's gay and they just try to cover for him. ICK just ICK. I hate fucking faggots. Clay you have disgusted so many people it's not even funny. I have taken down every autographed photo you made to me personally and tossed your CD's. I hate fucking faggots. You really make me sick.
Here we have another one that Clay doesn't need. Good by to bad rubbish. You don't really appreciate him for who he is.
1:51 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "You are pissing off fans by telling them that they are co-dependents and that they should not be concerned with Clay."
I didn't say that - neither did my boyfriend. I for one am glad that people care about clay and when someone asked me how he was doing, I answered. I believe it was a johnette who accused the people who care of being co-dependent. You better go back and re-read.
I'm not being 'instructed' by anyone.
Clay cares about his fans very much - do not believe the crap you read on here from the haters who try to tell you otherwise. Its that very caring that has caused him so much distress - he doesn't want to disappoint anyone, about anything - his music, his singing, his hair, his sexuality, anything.
Please re-read the blog. Separate the haters from those who care about Clay.
1:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Clay shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't feel fit.
Is that why he is a top instead of a bottom? LOL
1:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Oh look everyone. YeahThat is back!
1:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Here we have another one that Clay doesn't need. Good by to bad rubbish. You don't really appreciate him for who he is.
1:52 AM
Anonymous said...
You are pissing off fans by telling them that they are co-dependents and that they should not be concerned with Clay. At the same time, you are saying that you are Clay's friend. I am asking you if Clay is instructing you to say these things to his fans and if he feels this way. You also are insisting that Clay apologized to Clay. Is all of this true and doesn't Clay care that you are on here sharing that with fans.
Well Said! I think someone is in over their heads............too late........we have seen the light soooooooooo now that there are not any fans left here why don't you and Clay go nite, nite!!
Both of you are delusional. What a relief when the fandom is rid of these types. Then the rest of us can enjoy Clay and his music in a more relaxing way.
1:52 AM
Anonymous said...
Clay shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't feel fit. How do you even know those stories are true?
1:44 AM
IF its true.
And basing my comment on IF he is in fact gay, while I actually DO agree that he should do things in his own time, in this particular situation, its a little different. He is a celebrity and his getting caught by paparazzi or somebody with some kind of proof, with his pants down will only hurt him, his image, and his family. It will make him AND his mother a laughing stock. It will make him look a fraud and liar. THAT is why, IF he is gay, I believe he should just bite the bullet, and come out. He would have a whole community of people who would stand by his side if he did that.
IF he is gay, and if this story of the guy in the car is real, and most especially....being a celebrity, ....he is doing no one any favors by staying in the closet, yet behaving so recklessly.
1:53 AM
Anonymous said...
No one cares, grandma. Go to bed.
1:54 AM
Anonymous said...
nonymous said...
Oh, ok. I see. So, they knew the story before it was all told because they had seen it already on OC.
Sorry for not explaining it correctly.
The first part about the Aston Martin came from someone who posts on both the OFC and the OC, and the OFC said it was private. It was a pretty mild story about Clay liking the car, that's all.
Then a few weeks later the part about Clay calling the dealership was posted on the OC, but not, to my knowledge, on the OFC.
1:40 AM
No, it wasn't, because the second part of the story was concocted over here in your own head and tacked on. Sorry, but several of us know the person who made the original post personally, and this part is bullshit.
1:54 AM
Anonymous said...
At 1:40 AM, Anonymous said...
Oh, ok. I see. So, they knew the story before it was all told because they had seen it already on OC.
Sorry for not explaining it correctly.
The first part about the Aston Martin came from someone who posts on both the OFC and the OC, and the OFC said it was private. It was a pretty mild story about Clay liking the car, that's all.
Then a few weeks later the part about Clay calling the dealership was posted on the OC, but not, to my knowledge, on the OFC.
It wasn't the point of Clay liking the car. He tracked it down so he could get a hold of the guy who was driving it. And it wasn't a few weeks later that Clay called the dealership it was the very next morning and if my friend would have said yes have Clay call me you can be assured that that's what Clay would have done.
For the record I never post at OFC ever.
1:54 AM
Anonymous said...
As a Clay fan myself, I think it would be wise to get rid of the rabid ones like you and your ilk. You are only harming Clay.
Now we are rabid??? No I don't think so, I am not the one stalking his every more. I think he is harming himself along with the claymates. So much for "I Love You All". I have supported him from a distance, defending him too all my friends time and time again that he is not gay. Oh but what do I know, I am now not only without a life, I am rabid.
1:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Both of you are delusional. What a relief when the fandom is rid of these types. Then the rest of us can enjoy Clay and his music in a more relaxing way.
LOL Rid of these "types"? And what is your "type"?
1:55 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "What part of your brain did you leave in New York?? Go back and read. According too you we are the last thing Clay wants to support him.....I HEAR YOU!!! "
What? I never said anything like that. What on earth is making you think that? Are you confusing a hater's posts with mine?
1:56 AM
Anonymous said...
KISS SAID...He doesn't want to disappoint anyone, about anything -his music, his singing, his hair, his sexuality, anything.
He has not disappointed the true fans. (Maybe once or twice with the hair lol).
1:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Sorry, but several of us know the person who made the original post personally, and this part is bullshit.
Really? Then you wouldn't mind backing that up with some PROOF? That should be easy, given that you know the original author.
1:57 AM
Anonymous said...
i hate clays hair right now. it looks like it looked when he applied on idol. its uglier than shit. the bangs down look better. i hate it long too. ick
1:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Holy shit. I totally read that comment wrong. When you said "her son" I thought you meant Kristy, not Faye. Sorry, it's late. :-/
11:56 PM
Don't feel bad. I read it the exact same way.
11:58 PM
Amazing how things can get misunderstood on the internet now isnt it . . . hmmmm
1:58 AM
Anonymous said...
If the story in whole is on the OC, it should still be there.
1:59 AM
Anonymous said...
I seriously can't believe that Clay put his hand over Kelly's mouth. That was horrible and dissrespectful.
1:59 AM
Anonymous said...
That was your first clue?
A Thousand Different Ways.
All different kinds of love.
Unconditional Love.
Never making a definitive denial statement about his sexuality when pressed by Diane Sawyer or Larry King.
Never making a definitive denial statement about John or John's story.
The webcam photos.
Terry Goldman.
Mario Cruz.
More rumors and published news than you can shake a stick at.
1:59 AM
Anonymous said...
I have supported him from a distance, defending him too all my friends time and time again that he is not gay.
That probably describes the majority of his fans. I bet you all feel kind of foolish now. All those husbands laughing and saying "told ya so"
1:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Clay shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't feel fit.
Of course. Now he is seeing the consequences of that arrogance. Pretty soon, even the remaining Claymates will see the lying, hypocrisy and manipulation. It's over.
1:59 AM
Anonymous said...
It wasn't the point of Clay liking the car. He tracked it down so he could get a hold of the guy who was driving it. And it wasn't a few weeks later that Clay called the dealership it was the very next morning and if my friend would have said yes have Clay call me you can be assured that that's what Clay would have done.
For the record I never post at OFC ever.
Okay, but I read the first part at the OFC. Maybe it wasn't you. If it wasn't so late I would track it down. But I remember they closed the thread because it was on Clay's private time or something, which they post things on his private time all the time so it didn't make sense. I am assuming they knew it was from the OC and that's why.
2:00 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Now we are rabid??? No I don't think so, I am not the one stalking his every more. I think he is harming himself along with the claymates. So much for "I Love You All". I have supported him from a distance, defending him too all my friends time and time again that he is not gay. Oh but what do I know, I am now not only without a life, I am rabid. "
Okay - look at the header of the post you're referring to. "Anonymous." It does not say "Kiss_Or_No_Kiss" or "Kiss'_Boyfriend". Neither one of us said that kind of stuff - there are alot more people than us posting on here. The Johnettes have been calling clay fans 'rabid' for months. Who cares what the Johnettes think!
2:00 AM
Anonymous said...
I have supported him from a distance, defending him too all my friends time and time again that he is not gay.
Would you mind getting down off the cross now? We need the wood so we can build a bridge and then you can GET OVER IT.
2:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Kiss, one minute you say "He shouldn't have to come out, how do you even know those stories are true?" and then in the next breath you say "I have said that Clay apologized to JOhn for his rude behavior."
If John's story isn't true, what bad behavior would Clay have apologized for? I really want to know, can you answer that, Kiss? What specifically was the rude behavior Clay apologized for?
2:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Both of you are delusional. What a relief when the fandom is rid of these types. Then the rest of us can enjoy Clay and his music in a more relaxing way.
Ok now we are delusional WOW it just gets better. The "fandom" wants to get rid of us?? OK so there is a conspiracy going on here to weed out whom??? Is Clay behind this little feat?? What makes you more of a joy then the rest of us anyway. If you have to demean others then maybe it would be more relaxing if you were gone.
2:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Who cares what the Johnettes think!
Who cares what the fuck you think?
2:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Would you mind getting down off the cross now? We need the wood so we can build a bridge and then you can GET OVER IT.
2:01 AM
Is this a common saying or did you make it up? I actually really like this!
2:02 AM
Anonymous said...
That probably describes the majority of his fans. I bet you all feel kind of foolish now. All those husbands laughing and saying "told ya so"
I'm a Clay fan and I never put him on such a high pedestal that the sound would be deafening when he fell. If they chose to put blinders on, that is their business. Clay on many, many occassions said he wasn't perfect.
So, no, I don't feel foolish. I love his voice, his personality and I think he's very sexy. I know he doesn't understand it, but he does have the X factor times many. So I enjoy him and don't go making him out to walk on water.
2:04 AM
Anonymous said...
I hate you all equally, well sorta. I really am a Johnette in disguise because I say way more bad things about Clay than I ever do about John. Cum, cum visit my blog and post please
2:04 AM
Anonymous said...
Even if I believed a dealership would give out personal information to a celebrity ( which I don't - and surely seems detrimental to thier reputation if not illegal )
Where in the story does it say WHY the " celebrity " wanted to get with the owner of the car. Big assumption I take it.
Maybe the celebrity wanted to buy the car comes to mind. I'm sure there could be others. I'm also eqally sure the highly visible car could have been seen by lots of celebrities in the area it was driving in.
Really useless information
2:04 AM
Anonymous said...
At 2:00 AM, Anonymous said...
It wasn't the point of Clay liking the car. He tracked it down so he could get a hold of the guy who was driving it. And it wasn't a few weeks later that Clay called the dealership it was the very next morning and if my friend would have said yes have Clay call me you can be assured that that's what Clay would have done.
For the record I never post at OFC ever.
Okay, but I read the first part at the OFC. Maybe it wasn't you. If it wasn't so late I would track it down. But I remember they closed the thread because it was on Clay's private time or something, which they post things on his private time all the time so it didn't make sense. I am assuming they knew it was from the OC and that's why.
First, I have no idea what you're talking about. And second, I am telling you that I don't ever post at the OFC ever. This story would never see the light of day over there.
You can track it down all you want but it wasn't me.
2:05 AM
Anonymous said...
I wasn't obsessed with Clay either. I loved his voice. Yes he did have the X factor, but now with him being a fag sicko perverted faggot, he gives me the creeps and I will never buy his music again if he's gay. Never. I did love his voice, but I get creeped out now knowing he might be a faggot. He sucked on Kelly too.
2:05 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
I'm a Clay fan and I never put him on such a high pedestal that the sound would be deafening when he fell. If they chose to put blinders on, that is their business. Clay on many, many occassions said he wasn't perfect.
So, no, I don't feel foolish. I love his voice, his personality and I think he's very sexy. I know he doesn't understand it, but he does have the X factor times many. So I enjoy him and don't go making him out to walk on water.
2:04 AM
Unfortunately, so many do put him on a high pedestal and make him seem God-like. No one is perfect, and I'm sure Clay doesn't like being on that pedestal! I think people should just like him for his talent.
2:06 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm a Clay fan and I never put him on such a high pedestal that the sound would be deafening when he fell. If they chose to put blinders on, that is their business. Clay on many, many occassions said he wasn't perfect.
So, no, I don't feel foolish. I love his voice, his personality and I think he's very sexy. I know he doesn't understand it, but he does have the X factor times many. So I enjoy him and don't go making him out to walk on water.
2:04 AM
That's the way a fan should be. Loving without the rose colored glasses. Good for you!
2:06 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
Okay, here's the co-dependent comment:
11:29 PM
Anonymous said: "Go worry about your own life rather than that of a complete stranger about whom you can do nothing. You are one of the co-dependents--you NEED to worry about him in order to feel validated. "
That is clearly a Johnette talking. Not me. And, Kiss'Boyfriend hadn't even shown up yet.
Don't let the Johnettes get to you. They're a nasty bunch!
2:06 AM
Anonymous said...
Would you mind getting down off the cross now? We need the wood so we can build a bridge and then you can GET OVER IT.
You know what, this is childish. I sure wish you knew the hurt I feel by that statement.
2:06 AM
Anonymous said...
Unfortunately, so many do put him on a high pedestal and make him seem God-like. No one is perfect, and I'm sure Clay doesn't like being on that pedestal! I think people should just like him for his talent.
2:07 AM
Anonymous said...
If Clay ever admits he's gay, he will lose 90% of his fan base. Mark my words. We will be disgusted to say the least.
2:08 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said: "Go worry about your own life rather than that of a complete stranger about whom you can do nothing. You are one of the co-dependents--you NEED to worry about him in order to feel validated. "
That is exactly what was said too me. Ok so now we are reversing our feelings???
2:09 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm just getting caught up here but I guess the bullet points for today are: no appearance in People's sexiest man issue, and a cruise ship performance lined up for the future. Do I have that right?
2:09 AM
Anonymous said...
2:07 AM
So don't buy his music and STFU.
God, what a waste of human life.
2:09 AM
Anonymous said...
So fine. End of story. Go away.
2:09 AM
Anonymous said...
No Clay will lose you and others like you and no one will care.
2:09 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I'm just getting caught up here but I guess the bullet points for today are: no appearance in People's sexiest man issue, and a cruise ship performance lined up for the future. Do I have that right?
Yes, and Ruben Studdard will be hosting the midnight buffet.
2:10 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I'm just getting caught up here but I guess the bullet points for today are: no appearance in People's sexiest man issue, and a cruise ship performance lined up for the future. Do I have that right?
Yes, and Ruben Studdard will be hosting the midnight buffet.
2:10 AM
Anonymous said...
I know of no performance on the cruise ship promised. It's simply a cruise. Maybe someone else has heard differently.
2:10 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
No Clay will lose you and others like you and no one will care.
Yup exactly my point. 90% of his fan base. He won't haVE FUCKING SHIT LEFT. MOTHER FUCKING FAGGOT!
2:11 AM
John Paulus said...
New blog.
2:12 AM
Kiss's Boyfriend said...
2:07 AM
Actually, that's my way of saying that no one is perfect. Foul language doesn't make you sound any cooler and it doesn't make it easier for you to get your "point" across, by the way.
2:12 AM
Anonymous said...
That is clearly a Johnette talking. Not me. And, Kiss'Boyfriend hadn't even shown up yet.
I don't know who that was, but I agree it was bullshit for someone to say what that person did.
I like other celebrities and while I don't worship them, I do care about their well being and happiness. I don't feel the same affection for them exactly, that I do for those I know personally, but I still care for them. Nothing wrong with that. ;)
2:12 AM
Anonymous said...
No one is perfect, and I'm sure Clay doesn't like being on that pedestal!
Please. Clay helped construct that pedestal and then climbed to the top. He's suckered in the Claymates and sold himself as much on his singing as his phony image. He's a fraud and con artist, intentionally lying and manipulating his fans.
2:12 AM
Anonymous said...
If Clay ever admits he's gay, he will lose 90% of his fan base. Mark my words. We will be disgusted to say the least.
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."
And I don't believe the 90% figure by a long shot. Clay will explain and they will understand. They have loveD him for almost four years and will not desert him IMP.
2:12 AM
Anonymous said...
If Clay ever admits he's gay, he will lose 90% of his fan base. Mark my words. We will be disgusted to say the least.
Up until tonight I just wanted him to be happy & healthy UNTIL the lashing started from his so called "friend" and since he obviously does not care if I stayed or not I am not going too. I think Clay has spoken more here tonite then we know so it is obvious that he does not care anyway.
2:12 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow! Now that is just offensive. I have relatives who are gay. That wasn't nice. Can you tone it down a little?
2:12 AM
Anonymous said...
yOU can just fucking tell by the way kiss and co has talked tonight that they are trying to smooth things over to prepare people that clay is infact a faggot. It is so obvious and they are doing much more harm. It is making me this close to becoming a Johnette because I can see that they know Clay is truly a faggot and they think they are fucking doing damage control but they are making things fucking worse. fuck you fucking faggots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:13 AM
Anonymous said...
yOU can just fucking tell by the way kiss and co has talked tonight that they are trying to smooth things over to prepare people that clay is infact a faggot. It is so obvious and they are doing much more harm. It is making me this close to becoming a Johnette because I can see that they know Clay is truly a faggot and they think they are fucking doing damage control but they are making things fucking worse. fuck you fucking faggots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:13 AM
Anonymous said...
I know of no performance on the cruise ship promised. It's simply a cruise. Maybe someone else has heard differently.
No fucking way. He's doing a cruise?!!
A cruise to where? Fire Island? LOL
2:13 AM
Anonymous said...
They are speaking of a cruise to benefit BAF. Not a scheduled performance.
2:14 AM
Anonymous said...
The Johnettes wouldn't have you. Neither group would want to claim you.
2:15 AM
Anonymous said...
If Clay ever admits he's gay, he will lose 90% of his fan base. Mark my words. We will be disgusted to say the least.
I don't think so, really I don't. Most fans I know don't care about Clay's sexual orientation. It is the sleaze factor while "preaching" moral standards that will turn many away unless he gets working on damage control right now. Unfortunately, it seems that his management team is too stupid to figure out the simple solution.
2:16 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
Kiss, one minute you say "He shouldn't have to come out, how do you even know those stories are true?" and then in the next breath you say "I have said that Clay apologized to JOhn for his rude behavior."
No, I did not say 'how do you even know those stories are true.' That was someone else.
I've already told you about 50x that John wanted an apology for Clay's rude behavior. John got it. You can make any assumptions you want about the details of the encounter that caused Clay to owe John an apology. You want to believe John's story? That's your choice. You don't want to believe john's story? Well, there are a million different ways that John could have encountered Clay and Clay was rude to him - intentionally or not. Take your pick - that's as much as I'm going to say about it. Sorry.
2:16 AM
Anonymous said...
You heard Clay speaking here tonight ? I think not.
I think you've been breathing the fumes around here too long. Stay here long enough and you start to believe the shit. Go get some fresh air.
2:17 AM
Anonymous said...
I like other celebrities and while I don't worship them, I do care about their well being and happiness. I don't feel the same affection for them exactly, that I do for those I know personally, but I still care for them. Nothing wrong with that. ;)
According to Clay's friend there is, just support the music. I have a cousin in the entertainment business and he does not act like that. Oh no we are not supposed to show any love or affection towards Clay, the friend said that loud & clear. Remember he "loves us all".
2:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Hell, I'd apologize to John right now to shut him up and I've never met him either.
2:19 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
ok then, I think Fifty Cent has a new cd out that needs some help with sales. Go for it!
2:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Kiss, I am very sorry. Please except my apology. I thought you were the person who called the fans co-dependent when I it was the other "friend".
Who are you and why are you on here?
2:19 AM
Anonymous said...
You heard Clay speaking here tonight ? I think not.
I think you've been breathing the fumes around here too long. Stay here long enough and you start to believe the shit. Go get some fresh air.
So the friend is full of hot air??
2:20 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: 'That is exactly what was said too me. Ok so now we are reversing our feelings??? "
That was said to you by a Johnette. You don't really expect them to be nice to you, do you?
2:21 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
"and a cruise ship performance lined up for the future. Do I have that right? "
Nope, that's not right. I know the person who organized that cruise and it has nothing to do with Clay performing or being there. It is a fund-raiser for BAF and a chance for clay-fans to get together.
2:23 AM
Anonymous said...
I don't think so, really I don't. Most fans I know don't care about Clay's sexual orientation. It is the sleaze factor while "preaching" moral standards that will turn many away unless he gets working on damage control right now. Unfortunately, it seems that his management team is too stupid to figure out the simple solution.
There has been alot of damage done here tonight whether he realizes it or not or if he even cares, which at the moment I am sure he does not.
2:24 AM
Anonymous said...
That was said to you by a Johnette. You don't really expect them to be nice to you, do you?
No I would not but then if I have heard right they can also be a claymate when they deem necessary so I would not know a Johnette if they slapped me in the face which according too you, they did tonight.
2:28 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
anonymous said: "Kiss, I am very sorry. Please except my apology. I thought you were the person who called the fans co-dependent when I it was the other "friend".
Who are you and why are you on here? "
I am just another Clay fan who happens to know him a little. My whole purpose of being on this blog (for the last way too many months) is to keep an eye on John and see what he's talking about, and hope that the blog would go away.
Even if its not related to Clay specifically, this blog has become a haven for alot of nasty, racist, homophobic people who just make human beings in general look bad. If for no other reason, that's enough of a reason for the blog to go away.
2:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Kiss do you know if Clay gave his permission for John to post portions of the Yahoo chat on here for the fans to see?
2:29 AM
Kiss or No Kiss said...
Kiss do you know if Clay gave his permission for John to post portions of the Yahoo chat on here for the fans to see?
Permission to post portions of the chat was not agreed to - at least not to my knowledge. John will tell you that I was not happy to see him posting that. You know how things can be taken out of context.....
2:32 AM
Anonymous said...
Permission to post portions of the chat was not agreed to - at least not to my knowledge. John will tell you that I was not happy to see him posting that. You know how things can be taken out of context.....
That was so hurtful to the fans. You know how many fans were crying that night? It was pretty clear what the apology was for and the fans did not appreciate finding out like that.
2:36 AM
Anonymous said...
I am just another Clay fan who happens to know him a little. My whole purpose of being on this blog (for the last way too many months) is to keep an eye on John and see what he's talking about, and hope that the blog would go away.
Even if its not related to Clay specifically, this blog has become a haven for alot of nasty, racist, homophobic people who just make human beings in general look bad. If for no other reason, that's enough of a reason for the blog to go away.
Guess What?? I have been coming here for some of the same reasons plus I felt the need to go to a place that I could express honest feelings. Some are a little over the edge but I must say that JP has been more descent then alot of the others that have been known to post. I am not a JP supporter but I do think it was nice of him to sit back and let the ones of us that have tried to support Clay talk but if you have come here then maybe you have seen that?? I sure feel like I have been hung out to dry here tonite and it was not because of JP. I don't know what Clay feels about his fans but I will say one thing, I sure don't feel the love after tonite. I am going to say ENOUGH and go now!! I thought Clay said he would never let us down.
2:37 AM
Anonymous said...
Kiss if you are who you say you are and you set up the Yahoo chat for this apology, didn't it occur to you or Clay that John has proven in the past to not be descreet and he would post the apology? Why not meet face to face where John could be assured of who he was talking with and there would be nothing in writing for John to use against him? It doesn't make any sense for people who are supposed to be sensible.
2:52 AM
Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
3:44 AM
Anonymous said...
"a haven for alot of nasty, racist, homophobic people who just make human beings in general look bad. If for no other reason, that's enough of a reason for the blog to go away."
Like yourself. Then leave you stinking old bitch.
12:33 PM
Anonymous said...
"If Kiss keeps egging on the fans, don't be surprised. She is now representing herself as Clay's friend and in turn speaking for him. Does RCA know about this? Keep going Kiss."
All of her posts (way back ones as well) and her identity was sent today to Clay's mgt. and Clive Davis. Complain about that old lying bitch everywhere.
12:43 PM
Anonymous said...
"I am just another Clay fan who happens to know him a little. My whole purpose of being on this blog (for the last way too many months) is to keep an eye on John and see what he's talking about, and hope that the blog would go away."
You are such a lying filthy old bitch.
12:44 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
The Kiss's Boyfriend blog from John Paulus's Blog 11/19/06
Posted by
11:36 PM