Hey! Clay Aiken! Last week in the wee hours of the morning, you posted a blog to your OFC which denounced any scandals that you have been involved with and invited your OFC members to participate in a contest called "Scandal 2007" by submitting scandals featuring YOU that they create.
I believe some of the words in your blog were:
Come up with the most outlandish story you can that places me (either alone or with others close to me) in a really juicy/tawdry/scandalous/shameful story.
Then, use any photos, videos, audio clips of me that you can find along with your favorite multimedia enhancing/"doctoring" program (like a PhotoShop or a sound/video editor) to create your "evidence"!
Maybe you have "pictures" of me being "abducted by oversized turnips"... or ... "video" of me "dancing with a three legged gorilla". Be creative!
Clay? What the HELL were you thinking? Were you high on drugs? Did you suffer an acute episode of mental illness?
While you certainly seemed to get the reaction you desired out of your Claymates, with them assuming YOU are "fighting back" (how? by running to your mommies when you were out of your mind) and now they are prepared to "fight with you".
Trouble is, I think through your impulsive action, whatever may have caused it, aside, you took the people who run your OFC and other fansites by complete surprise. You screwed them over.
The mods at OFC have been pummeled for info about this contest and none has been forthcoming and instead, another contest, one for Valentines Day has been created and there has been NO problem getting the info out about that!
Threads at other Clayboards have been locked and deleted because of arguing among the members about the nature of your contest and some of the language you elected to use in your blog.
What seems to really concern a good number of people, including maybe your mods at OFC and perhaps your lawyers, is that there is a somewhat significant population of members that are still legally children.
Clay, you have always held yourself up to be a role model for children and also to their parents as someone who would BE a good role model for children. You have always talked up your humanitarian efforts, meager as they may be, as being inspired by your love and concern for children.
You love to tout your UNICEF contributions (anything ever come out of YOUR pocket??) and how you want to see children in a safe and healthy world. Your BAF is supposedly all about the welfare of children.
Clay, WHY then, would you choose to invite children to do the following:
Come up with the most outlandish story you can that places me (either alone or with others close to me) in a really juicy/tawdry/scandalous/shameful story.
Then, use any photos, videos, audio clips of me that you can find along with your favorite multimedia enhancing/"doctoring" program (like a PhotoShop or a sound/video editor) to create your "evidence"!
From dictionary:
taw·dry - low or mean
scan·dal·ous -disgraceful; shameful or shocking; improper
shame·ful -disgraceful or scandalous
So, Clay. You encouraged all members of your fan club INCLUDING children to participate in an activity that included things that were disgraceful, shocking and IMPROPER. Do you really think that was a wise or good thing to do?
And, sorry Clay, but none of the scenario's you offered yourself here would fall under any of the guidelines you specifically laid out as quoted above.
You offered these scenario's.
Maybe you have "pictures" of me being "abducted by oversized turnips"... or ... "video" of me "dancing with a three legged gorilla". Be creative!
Again, Clay...none of the things you offered up would be considered "JUICY", "TAWDRY" "SCANDALOUS" or "SHAMEFUL". Your offerings were just, well, stupid. Guess you wanted to cover yourself a bit, if you could.
If you want to take on the tabloids and rumors, CLAY, try being MAN enough to do it yourself.
Now, the question is: what's going to happen? Are you really going to stand by your directive to have your OFC undertake the endeavors you described? Are you going to try to spin it away as being 'snark" and never serious? Are you hoping that it will just go away and fade from memory? The latter two options will piss off your fans who have been workig on your contest at this point, and if you choose to proceed with the contest, you will also piss off the fans who were sane enough to realize this was never a good idea in the first place.
Ahhh, Clay Aiken. Sucks to be you. Get some help. Seriously.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Yo! Clay Aiken! What's Up With Your Blog Contest At OFC?
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12:19 PM