Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Even WalMart Employee's Hate the ClayMates!

This was too good not to share! Enjoy!

Fun at Walmart today
I hate to start another topic but this was such a fun experience I thought it deserved its own topic.I put on fresh makeup and decided to brave the Walmart today to purchase 1 copy of Taylor's CD.

It's important to me that it count towards his opening week sales.

The parking was so bad, I had to park way down in the tire section which left my hair all windblown and probably cancelled out the fresh makeup.

I found Taylor's CD right away. It was front and center in the new releases section and they had plenty of copies. It was marked $13.99.

The man came over and told me it was really $9.72. Fanty's was the same price so I picked up one of hers as well. Anything to help the cause.

Then I went over to the Christmas section and asked the nice man for TransSiberian Orchestra. He was very helpful and found 3 different ones for me.

There were at least 5 copies of Clesus's AIW front and center.

Then I decided to check the ATDW stock, since there have been so many complaints.

I found the Clay Aiken tag and lo and behold it was filled with Christina Aguilara CD's. His were pushed way to the back.

The man came running over with the 5 copies of AIW. He said, here they are, I'm sure you are looking for these.

I loudly said "ewwwwwww, I don't want those, they suck". The guy just cracks up laughing and starts to tell me that there have been several catfights over that cd.

The day it came in, they had 25 copies and one lady tried to buy 20 and the other wanted to buy 30. Then they both started yelling at him and telling him the store was poorly stocked. He said it was unbelievable. He let them each have 5 copies, told them he was going back to the stockroom to look for more and he took the rest of the copies back there and just hid out until they left.

Then he started going on and on about how he saw him on TV and he looked and sounded awful and how he read all the tabloid stories.

He said the Claymates are horrible to deal with. They rearrange the stock, demand that employees go to the stockroom and count inventory and if they're not quick enough, they complain about the employees to the manager.

He also said that this is the only group who regularly buy more than 5 copies of the same CD.

I hope there were no Claymates within earshot, or the poor guy will probably be fired. I was looking over my shoulder on the way back to my car.

They probably took down my plate number and will be back to slash my tires.

Percocet, if you read here, feel free to take this over to your blog. We all know Claymates don't buy multiples.