Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Clay Aiken: Justin Christianson Wants You To Call Him!

This could all be a hoax or whatever, but what the hell, just trying to be helpful here.
A really hot guy (shown above) left this message for Clay in the comments section of Clay Aiken's "MySpace" today. You'll also see it pictured above (you can click to enlarge):

Justin Christianson (Model In The Making)
Mar 14 2007 6:10A Dude when we going to hang out again ? I will give you a call then we can set somethign up when I am in Charlotte or if youjust want to hang we can. holla back at me you have my number (310)651-7160 Call me man also I am e-mailing to your private e-mail as well. Laters Justin
He looks like he would be Clay's type so it would be a shame for Clay to miss this shout-out.
If this message is to be believed, it would appear that Clay Aiken and Justin have hung out already before and Justin has Clay's private e-mail.
On Justin's MySpace survey area, he indicates that the last person he instant messaged with was Clay Aiken, as can also be seen in the photos above.
Hell of a hoax or hell of a hunk Clay Aiken is getting to know! Time will tell!
Link to Justin Christianson's MySpace Here: